Thursday April 27th, 2023
Meditate on: Matthew 5:48 Weymouth New Testament (WNT)
« You however are to be complete in goodness, as your Heavenly Father is complete »
Read: Matthew 5:38-48
38 “You have heard that it was said, ‘An eye for an eye, and a tooth for a tooth.’
39 But now I tell you: do not take revenge on someone who wrongs you. If anyone slaps you on the right cheek, let him slap your left cheek too.
40 And if someone takes you to court to sue you for your shirt, let him have your coat as well.
41 And if one of the occupation troops forces you to carry his pack one mile, carry it two miles.
42 When someone asks you for something, give it to him; when someone wants to borrow something, lend it to him.
43 “You have heard that it was said, ‘Love your friends, hate your enemies.’
44 But now I tell you: love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you,
45 so that you may become the children of your Father in heaven. For he makes his sun to shine on bad and good people alike and gives rain to those who do good and to those who do evil.
46 Why should God reward you if you love only the people who love you? Even the tax collectors do that!
47 And if you speak only to your friends, have you done anything out of the ordinary? Even the pagans do that!
48 You must be perfect—just as your Father in heaven is perfect.
One of the commandments of God that is considered by many as impossible to keep is found in Matthew 5:48CEV:
« But you must always act like your Father in heaven. »
It is generally believed that perfection is not achievable by any human being.
The biblical concept of perfection involves two main ideas which are wholeness and purity.
Wholeness involves bringing something to maturity while purity refers to sanctification.
Perfection can be seen from three major perspectives in the Bible and these are physical, moral and spiritual.
- Physical perfection talks about something that is outwardly spotless, clean and healthy.
- Moral perfection refers to acting in the manner perceived to be right at all times,
- while spiritual perfection focuses on holiness and sanctification.
If a person is examined and is lacking in just one of these aspects, that individual loses their perfect status. For this reason, many scoff at any talk of perfection among believers.
However, when God says be perfect, He expects us to take it seriously.
I have always told my children that perfection is achievable and that it is a matter of personal conviction.
It is made possible through salvation, sanctification, and the fruit of the Holy Spirit.
2 Timothy 3:16-17 GWT says:
« Every Scripture passage is inspired by God. All of them are useful for teaching, pointing out errors, correcting us, and training us for a life that has God’s approval. »
The journey to perfection starts with the word of God.
« Scriptural teachings must be the basis for the development of our personal ideology and worldview »
Every rebuke and admonition in the Bible must be strictly applied to our lives.
A perfect Christian is the one who is born again, sanctified and has learned by experience to discern between good and evil.
You can do all things by the grace of God (Philippians 4:13).
May you receive the grace to succeed in your journey towards perfection, in the mighty name of Jesus.
Prayer point: Father, please grant me the grace to pursue perfection diligently – physically, morally and spiritually, in the mighty name of Jesus.
Author: Bishop Enoch. A. Adeboye.
Edited by Naomie
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