You Shall Overcome


Thursday July 11th, 2024

This is equally the lamentation of those who would live a righteous life on this earth.

Wickedness is becoming the accepted norm of society while worldliness has become the order of present-day Christendom.

It now appears as if the more ungodly you are – even as a pastor, the more acceptable you would be to the people and your congregation.

This is the reason more people are adopting the slogan “The end justifies the means”.

The most painful thing that the ungodly who were previously outside the church are not just in it today, but are also taking leadership positions.

They are even persecuting those trying to go the extra mile with the Master.

In John 15:19 NKJV, Jesus Christ told His disciples and by extension all His followers

David wounded in Psalm 2:1-3CW

The answer is found in John 1:5, which says that darkness cannot comprehend or overcome light.

We are the light of the world (Matthew 5:14).

Beloved, in spite of persecutions, let us keep our eyes on the Lord.

The persecutions shall surely end at the second coming of Jesus.

The Lord is encouraging you to endure the present persecution you may be passing through now.

You will soon experience an all-round promotion in Jesus’ name.

Praise the Lord!

Prayer focus – Father, please give me the grace to stand strong in the faith now and always, in Jesus’ name

Author – Bishop Enoch Adejare Adeboye; General Overseer of the RCCG

Edited by Naomie Joseph

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