Walk in the Spirit


Tuesday January 09th, 2024

To be controlled by human nature results in death; to be controlled by the Spirit results in life and peace. 

And so people become enemies of God when they are controlled by their human nature; for they do not obey God’s law, and in fact they cannot obey it.

The moment you become a child of God; you have His Spirit within you.

John 3:6 NIV

Being born of the Spirit, you must learn to walk in Him so that you are not drowned by the world and its ways.

  • Fish is born inside water and so cannot survive outside it.
  • Birds are born to fly and can only thrive when they are flying, not when they are hopping.
  • We (born-again Christians) are born of the Spirit so we thrive when we walk in Him.

When an eagle wants to kill a land animal, it takes it to the air. That is its territory.

In the same way, you cannot win the world by using its principles; take the battle to the spirit realm.

While you do all that is required in the physical to succeed in life, engage in the spiritual realm to win the battle of your life.

Think in the Spirit.

Many of our thoughts leave out the Holy Spirit and thus limit our success.

If you always put God in the equation, everything becomes possible.

To walk in the Spirit, you must always be attentive to what He is saying at all times.

You must ask the Holy Spirit for direction before you take any step.

Before you speak, ask Him to give you utterance.

Anyone who will walk in the Spirit must pray in tongues regularly; you must also sing in the Holy Spirit (1 Corinthians 14:15).

The basic secret of progress is consistency.

If you will walk in the Spirit, then you must consistently be close to Him.

You can’t decide to follow His lead when you are in trouble and then go your own way when you think everything is fine.

If you want to walk in the Spirit, then you must surrender completely to Him, whether it is convenient or not.

Application – Having the Spirit of God gives you an advantage over the people of the world; use that advantage wisely.

Author – Bishop Enoch. A. Adeboye.

Edited by Naomie

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