Unraveling Demonic activities


Friday February 10th, 2023

Meditate on: John 10:10 New Living Translation (NLT)

« The thief’s goal is to steal, kill and destroy. My (Jesus) purpose is to give to my children a rich and satisfying life. »

Read: Mark 5:1-8 New King James Version (NKJV)

1 They went on the other side of the lake to the region of the Gadarenes.

2 And when He came out of the boat, immediately a man with an unclean spirit came out of the tombs to meet Him.

3 This man lived in the tombs; and no one could bind him anymore, not even with chains.

4 Because he had often been chained hand and foot, but he broke the chains apart and broke the irons on his feet. No one was strong enough to subdue him.

5 Night and day, he was always in the mountains, and in the tombs, crying, and cutting himself with stones.

6 But when he saw Jesus from afar, he ran and fell on his knees in front of Him.

7 And he cried out with a loud voice, and said, “What have I to do with You, Jesus, Son of the most high God? I begged You by God, that You do not torment me.

8 For Jesus had said to him, Come out of this man, you impure spirit.


The presence of demons among human beings is very widespread, but because they are invisible spiritual beings, one may not notice their activities except by the power and gifts of God’s Spirit.

Believe it or not, demons are everywhere performing their evil assignments, but as God increases His presence in your life, they will be forced to flee whenever they come in contact with you.

This is so because demons recognize the presence of God, and they can’t be at rest wherever God’s presence dwells. 

In like manner, wherever God’s anointed word is being taught in power, demons will flee, because they cannot withstand the power of God’s word.

We see a manifestation of this in Mark 1:21-26 when Jesus was teaching in the synagogue. Similar to this example, Paul and his co-labourers in God’s vineyard were on their way to a prayer meeting on a certain day when they encountered the spirit of divination in a young lady. This spirit became restless because of God’s presence in them (Acts 16:16-18).

If you carry a higher level of God’s presence, the activities of demons around you will be exposed, irrespective of where they are hiding. 

I pray that God will expose every activity of Satan around you today in Jesus’ Name.

The Bible uses a number of terms such as evil spirits, demons, principalities and powers, devils and unclean spirits to refer to demonic forces. However, if we have enough of God’s presence in us, demons will flee when they see us, even before we command them to go.

The Holy Spirit reveals to us the secret behind this in Psalm 66:3, saying:

Say to God, How awesome are Your works! through the greatness of Your power Your enemies shall submit themselves to you.

We see a manifestation of this word in Mark 5:1-6. When Jesus stepped on the shores of Gadara, a very notorious and highly demon-possessed mad man immediately submitted himself to Him, even before He said a word. Mark 5:6 says:

But when he saw Jesus from afar, he ran and fell on his knees in front of Him.

It is very easy to cast out demons when your life is full of God’s glory. 

The devil and his demons once stood before God’s presence in heaven, but because of their rebellion, they lost that privilege (Isaiah 11:12-15).

One of the reasons why Jesus came to the earth is to bring the dominion of heaven to us. Consequently, the moment demons see that same heavenly glory on any believer, they will have no choice but to submit to the King of glory, whose presence is visible in all believers.

Are you a carrier of God’s glorious presence?  

Prayer point: Father, please fill my life with Your glory that demons cannot withstand in Jesus’ Name.

Author: Pst E. A. Adeboye.

Edited by Naomie

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