(Children) Thomas beleives


Saturday November 28th, 2020

Memorize:1 John 4:1

« My dear friends, many false prophets are in the world now. So do not believe every spirit. But test the spirits to see if they are from God. »

Read:John 20:24-29

Thomas, one of the disciples, had not been there when Jesus appeared to the others. When they told him that they had seen Jesus, he said, “Unless I see the scars from the nails in His hands and feel the hole in His side, I will not believe.”

A week later, the disciples were together in the same room. This time, Thomas was with them. Although the doors were locked, Jesus appeared to them again and said, “Peace be with you.” Then He said to Thomas, “Put your finger here and see My hands. Reach out your hand and feel My side. Stop doubting, and believe!”

Thomas replied, “My Lord and my God!”

Then Jesus said, “Happy and blessed are those who have not seen Me, yet believe.”

Should I believe everything I hear about Jesus?

If a stranger gave you a little book and told you that it is even better than the Bible, would you believe every word in the book? If you heard someone talking on the radio about different religions having the same God, could you trust everything that person said?

Do you believe everything your friends say just because it sounds like the truth? Thomas didn’t believe everything he was told by his friends. The problem was not so much that he doubted what his fellow disciples told him about Jesus, but that he didn’t believe what Jesus Himself had said (Luke 9:22).

Everything God wants us to know about Him has been written in the pages of the Bible—and God’s Word can never be changed! He has also given us the Holy Spirit to help us understand the meaning of what is written (1 Corinthians 2:12). God wants us to test the things we hear and read about to make sure that they agree with what He has said through His written Word.

Study questions:

1 – In your own words, explain in details what is a prophet?

2 – How can we test a spirit?

3 – In your own words, explain in details today’s memory verse

Author: Dave Strehler  

Text edited by Naomie       

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