(Children) The pit(s)


Wednesday March 10th, 2021

Memorize: Psalms 121:7

 « The Lord will protect you from every danger. He will protect your soul. »

Read:Genesis 37:14; Genesis 37:17-24

One day, Joseph’s brothers were out in the fields looking after their father’s flock. Jacob asked Joseph to go out and see how they were doing.

When Joseph’s brothers saw him coming, they said to each other, “Here comes the dreamer. Let’s kill him and throw his body into one of the dry wells. We can say that a wild animal got hold of him and killed him.”

When Reuben, one of the brothers, heard them plotting to kill Joseph, he said, “No, let’s not kill him. Just throw him into this well, but don’t hurt him.”

So Joseph’s brothers ripped off his coat and threw him into a deep pit.

Can bad people hurt God’s children?

The Lord is our Shepherd and He watches over us all the time! (Read Psalm 23).

Jesus said, “My sheep listen to My voice. I give them eternal life, and they shall never perish; no one can snatch them out of My hand” John 10:27-29. Isn’t it comforting to know that God holds us in His mighty hand?

God’s enemy, the devil, will try everything he can to hurt and harm those who belong to Him.

Although God has given the devil some power, he can never upset or spoil God’s purpose for our lives. Even when the devil uses bad people to hurt us, he cannot change God’s perfect plan for us.

We may seem powerless for a while, but God cares about us. He knows what we are going through and He will rescue us.

It may have seemed as though Joseph’s brothers did something that not even God could stop. Yet, we will soon find out how God had placed a hedge of protection around Joseph, and God has also placed one around you!

Study questions

1 – Compose a prayer in which you are thanking God for being your body guard. In your prayer, thank Him for always watching over you and your family.

Author: Dave Strehler

Texte edited by Naomie

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