The bigger your vision, the greater your exploits


Friday June 30th, 2023

Meditate on: Luke 5:5 NASB

« Simon answered and said, “Master, we worked hard all night and caught nothing, but I will do as You say and let down the nets”. »

Read: 2 Kings 13:14-19 GWT

14 Elisha became fatally ill. King Jehoash of Israel visited him, cried over him, and said, “Master! Master! Israel’s chariot and horses!”

15 Elisha told him, “Get a bow and some arrows.” So he got a bow and some arrows. 

16 Then Elisha told the king of Israel, “Take the bow in your hand.” So the king picked up the bow. Elisha laid his hands on the king’s hands.

17 Elisha said, “Open the window that faces east.” So the king opened it. “Shoot,” Elisha said, and the king shot. Then Elisha said, “That is the arrow of the Lord’s victory, the arrow of victory against Aram. You will completely defeat the Arameans at Aphek.” 

18 Then Elisha said, “Take the arrows.” So the king took them. “Stomp on them,” he told the king of Israel. The king stomped three times and stopped.

19 Then the man of God became angry with him. “You should have stomped five or six times!” he said. “Then you would have completely defeated the Arameans. But now you will only defeat the Arameans three times.”


The anointing makes the difference between two weapons of warfare: the anointed one and the ordinary.

David confirmed this in Psalm 20:7-8KJV:

« Some trust in chariots, and some in horses: but we will remember the name of the Lord our God. They are brought down and fallen: but we are risen, and stand upright.»

Beloved, regardless of how feeble your instrument of office or weapon of warfare may appear, you will do great exploits with it provided you identify with the Anointed of the Almighty – Jesus Christ.

Accept, follow and obey His commandments today, and you will be victorious in all you do in life.

Vision is so vital to doing exploits in life and usually has its origin in the spirit realm.

Anyone with access to vision at any level is endowed with power to do exploits.

That is why the bigger and clearer your vision, the greater your exploits.

It is important, by the help of the Holy Spirit, to be able to discern the times of your favor or else you may miss them completely.

God is the revealer of secrets.

Romans 8:14 NLT says: 

« For all who are led by the Spirit of God are children of God. »

The Holy Spirit could decide to use any available means to communicate with you revealing deep secrets and telling you of things to come.

It could be through a dream, revelation, vision, or an audible voice.

He could speak through a man of God at a programme, or He could send one to you directly.

Apostle Peter fished all night without a single catch, but because he was sensitive enough spiritually to heed Jesus instruction, he received an overflow of blessings (Luke 5:6).

I decree to your life today: God will give you an overflowing blessing that will impact your family, friends, and neighbors for good, in the mighty name of Jesus.

Prayer point: Father, please grant me vision, and power to do exploits in life, in the mighty name of Jesus.

Author: Bishop Enoch. A. Adeboye.

Edited by Naomie

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