
Raising your children


Wednesday June 14th, 2023 Meditate on: Isaiah 54:13 CEV « I, God, will teach your children and make them successful. » Read: 1 Samuel 2:27-33 NLT 27 One day a man of God came to Eli and gave him this message from the Lord: “I revealed myself to your ancestors when they were Pharaoh’s slaves in Egypt.  28 I chose your ancestor Aaron from among all the tribes of Israel to be my priest, to offer...

Teach your children first


Monday May 10th, 2021 Memorize: Proverbs 29:15 Good News Translations (GNT) « Correction and discipline are good for children. If they have their own way, they will make their mothers ashamed of them. » Read: Proverbs 22:6 and Proverbs 29:17Proverbs 22:6 New King James Versions (NKJV) Train up a child in the way they should go, And when they are old, they will not depart from it. Proverbs...

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