
Oh that glorious blood


The origin of Passover Why Christians celebrate Easter Hello beloved, may the Lord bless you for visiting Coping Words. Today I’ll be sharing about the most important celebration for us Christians which is Easter. I am not talking about the Easter bunny or having an extra long weekend from work. Those are all very good, especially the chocolate part, but I want us to understand why Easter is the...

Oh that glorious blood (II)


The Antidote to death This text is the second section of a three part post. To read the first part, click here After meeting with the leaders of Israel, Moses and Aaron went and spoke to Pharaoh about freeing the people of God. To their request, Pharaoh replied ‘’and who is your god, that I should listen to him?” (Exodus 5:6). If anything, those people are lazy, that is why they want to be free...

Oh that glorious blood (III)


This is the third segment of a three part blog post. For part one, click here For part two, click here – Then Moses announced to Pharaoh, ‘’This is what the Lord says: at midnight tonight, I will pass through the heart of Egypt, all the firstborn sons will die in every family in Egypt, from the oldest son of Pharaoh who sits on his throne, to the oldest son of his lowliest servant girl who...

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