
(Children) In the beginning


Friday February 05th, 2021 Memorize: Genesis 1:1 « In the beginning at first, God created the sky and the earth. » Read: Genesis 1:27, Genesis 2:7-9, Genesis 2: 19-20 It was the sixth day of creation. Adam, the first man on earth, found himself surrounded by a beautiful garden called Eden. Up above the sun shone with a warm glow. Around him were all kinds of trees and flowers and shrubs. There...

(Children) “I am coming soon!”


Thursday February 04th, 2021 Memorize: 2 Corinthians 13:14 « I pray that our Lord Jesus Christ will bless you and be kind to you! May God bless you with His love, and may the Holy Spirit join all your hearts together. » Read: Revelation 22:12-21 John ends his letter to the churches with a message of hope and an invitation from Jesus Himself: “See, I am coming soon, and I bring My reward with Me...

(Children) Everything is new


Wednesday February 03rd, 2021 Memorize: John 14:2b-3 « I, Jesus, am going to prepare a place for you? When everything is ready, I will come and get you, so that you will always be with me where I am. » Read: Revelation 21:1-7, Revelation 22:3-5 After the final judgment, John saw a new heaven and a new earth. He saw the Holy City coming down from above—prepared and ready—like a bride, ready to...

(Children) The Judgment


Tuesday February 02nd, 2021 Memorize: 2 Corinthians 5:10 « One day, we must all stand before Christ to be judged. Each person will receive what they should get—good or bad—for the things they did when they lived in the earthly body.» Read: Revelation 20:11-13 John wrote down everything God allowed him to see—things in heaven and on earth that would happen at the end of time, when God judges the...

(Children) The Glory of the Lord


Monday February 01st, 2021 Memorize: 1 John 3:2 « But we know that when Christ comes again, we will be like Him. We will see Him as He really is. » Read: Revelation 1:9-18, Revelation 4:1-3 John wrote this letter to the seven churches in Asia (and to all believers) while he was on the Island of Patmos. This is what he wrote: “It was Sunday and I was praying and worshiping as the Spirit led me...

(Children) “We know …”


Sunday January 31st, 2021 Memorize: 1 John 4:13 « We know that we live in God and God lives in us. We know this because God gave us his Spirit. » Read: 1 John 5:13, 1 John 5:18-20 John ends his letter by assuring Christians that they can be certain of their relationship with God. He wrote: “I am writing this to you who believe in Jesus that you may know that you have eternal life. We know that we...

(Children) God is love


Saturday January 30th, 2021 Memorize: Psalm 33:18 « The Lord looks after those who love Him with all their heart. He watches over those who put their hope in His love. » Read: 1 John 4:9-10, 1 John 4:16-18  “This is how God showed His great love for us,” John wrote to the believers. “He sent His one and only Son to earth that we might have eternal life through His death.” John continued: “This is...

(Children) A light to the world


Friday January 29th, 2021 Memorize: John 12:46 « I, Jesus, have come as light into the world. I came so that whoever believes in me would not stay in darkness. » Read: 1 John 1:1-7 The apostle John (one of the disciples of Jesus) had become an old man. He wrote this letter to the believers while he was in Ephesus: “Christ was alive from the very beginning, yet I myself have heard Him speak. I...

(Children) Asking for things


Thursday January 28th, 2021 Memorize: 1 Timothy 6:17 « Give this command to those who are rich with things of this world. Tell them not to be proud. Tell them to hope in God, not their money. Money cannot be trusted, but God takes care of us richly. He gives us everything to enjoy. » Read: James 4:1-6  “How do quarrels and fights start?” James asks in his letter to believers. He answers them...

(Children) Looking in a mirror


Wednesday January 27th, 2021 Memorize: Psalm 119:11 « Father God, I study and memorize your teachings very carefully, so that I will not sin against you. » Read: James 1:19-25 James, the brother of Jesus and a leader in the church at Jerusalem, wrote this letter to Christians in far-off places: “My dear brothers and sisters, Remember this: It is best to listen much, speak little and not become...

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