
(Children) A burning bush


Wednesday March 24th, 2021 Memorize: 1 Peter 1:15 « But be holy in all that you do, just as God is holy. He is the one who chose you. » Read: Exodus 3:1-6 One day, Moses was looking after Jethro’s sheep far out in the desert. While he was near a mountain called Sinai, he saw a bush burning. “This is strange,” he thought. “The bush isn’t burning up!” So he went closer to have a look. As Moses got...

(Children) Who is your master?


Tuesday March 23rd, 2021 Memorize: John 8:34-36 « Jesus answered, “I tell you the truth. Everyone who lives in sin is a slave to sin. A slave does not stay with a family forever, but a son belongs to the family forever.So if the Son makes you free, then you will be truly free. » Read: Exodus 2:16-25 Moses had fled from Pharaoh and was sitting at a well when the seven daughters of Jethro came...

(Children) A baby on the river


Sunday March 21st, 2021 Memorize: Jeremiah 1:5 « I God, before I made you in your mother’s womb, I chose you. Before you were born, I set you apart for a special work. » Read: Exodus 2:1-10 When Pharaoh, the king of Egypt, realized that his plan to stop the Israelites from becoming powerful was failing, he ordered every Hebrew boy to be killed. A man and his wife who belonged to the tribe of Levi...

(Children) Blessings as God planned


Saturday March 20th, 2021 Memorize: Hebrews 11:13 “All these people had great faith in God, when they died. Some of them did not receive what God promised them; they only saw them and welcomed them from a distance” Read: Exodus 1:1-11 As the years went by, Joseph and his brothers eventually died in Egypt. However, their children and grandchildren continued to live there and their descendants, the...

(Children) Together again


Friday March 19th, 2021 Memorize: John 14:18 « Jesus said to His disciples: “I will not leave you all alone like orphans. I will come back to you.”» Read: Genesis 45:16-20, Genesis 46:5-6 When the king of Egypt heard about Joseph’s brothers, and that his father was still in Canaan, he said, “Let your brothers go back to Canaan and fetch your father and everything they own and let them stay...

(Children) From bad to worse


Thursday March 18th, 2021 Memorize: Matthew 25:40 « Then the king will answer, ‘The truth is, anything you did for any of my people here, you also did for me.’ » Read: Genesis 43:8-12, Genesis 45:12-13 When Jacob heard that Simeon was still in Egypt and that the governor in charge of selling food wanted to see Benjamin, his youngest son, he was very upset. He said to his other sons, “Joseph is...

(Children) Now it’s my turn


Wednesday March 17th, 2021 Memorize: Matthew 5:44 « But I, Jesus, tell you, love your enemies. Pray for those who treat you badly. » Read: Genesis 42:5-11, Genesis 42:19-20, Genesis 42:24-25 Jacob’s ten sons finally arrived at the storehouse in Egypt where Joseph was selling grain. Food was scarce everywhere because of the great famine. Joseph recognized his brothers who had sold him as a slave...

(Children) Saving and spending


Tuesday March 16th, 2021 Memorize: Proverbs 30:25 « Ants are physically small and weak, but they are smart enough to save their food all summer » Read: Genesis 41:53-57, Genesis 42:1-4 When the seven years of plenty had passed, the storehouses in Egypt were full. Then, just as God had said, seven years of famine followed. Joseph opened the storehouses and started selling grain to the Egyptian...

(Children) What a big task!


Monday March 15th, 2021 Memorize: 1 Corinthians 1:27 « But God chose the foolish things of the world to shame the wise. He chose the weak things of the world to shame the strong. » Read: Genesis 41:37-46 When Joseph told the king what his dream meant and what he should do, the king said, “We will never find a better man than Joseph, who has God’s spirit in him, to take charge of the great task of...

(Children) Seven fat cows


Sunday March 14th, 2021 Memorize: Luke 12:11 « Don’t worry about how to defend yourself or what to say when you are falsely accused. At that time the Holy Spirit will teach you what you must say.” » Read: Genesis 41:1-36 Joseph had been in prison for a long time when the king of Egypt had a dream. The king dreamed he was standing at the Nile River when he saw seven thin cows eat up seven fat...

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