
(Children) I will go


Sunday August 09th, 2020 Memorize: Colossians 1:28 « So we continue to preach Christ to all men. We use all wisdom to warn and to teach everyone. We are trying to bring each one into God’s presence as a mature person in Christ. » Read: Isaiah 6:1-8 Uzziah, the king of Judah, had died. In that same year, Isaiah saw the Lord sitting on His throne. Around Him were flaming creatures, each with six...

(Children) The vineyard


Saturday August 08th, 2020 Memorize: John 15:1-2 « “I, Jesus, am the true vine; my Father is the gardener.  He cuts off every branch of mine that does not produce fruit. And he trims and cleans every branch that produces fruit so that it will produce even more fruit. » Read: Isaiah 5:1-7 God called Isaiah to tell the people that He loved them and that He would send a Savior—someone who would save...

(Children) The promise of new life


Friday August 07th, 2020 Memorize: Ephesians 2:8 « I mean that you have been saved by grace because you believe. You did not save yourselves. It was a gift from God. » Read: Hosea 14:4-9 Once again, the Lord spoke to His people through Hosea, telling them what He was going to do for them one day. “I will bring My people back to Myself. I will love them with all My heart, and I will no longer be...

(Children)But I did say sorry!


Thursday August 06th, 2020 Memorize: 2 Corinthians 7:10 « Being sorry in the way God wants makes a person change his heart and life. This leads to salvation, and we cannot be sorry for that. But the kind of sorrow the world has will bring death. » Read: Hosea 6:1-6 Hosea the prophet pleaded with the people who had turned from God, saying; “Come let us return to the Lord who has hurt us, for He...

(Children) God proves His faithfulness


Wednesday August 05th, 2020 Memorize: Revelation 19:7 « Let us rejoice and be happy and give God glory! Give God glory, because the wedding of the Lamb has come. And the Lamb’s bride has made herself ready. » Read: Hosea 2:14-23 After the ministry of Amos, God called Hosea to carry on preaching to the people of Israel. His message to the people was to stop their idol-worship and turn to God...

(Children) Holidays and parties


Tuesday August 04th, 2020 Memorize: Romans 14:5 « One person thinks that one day is more important than another. And someone else thinks that every day is the same. Each one should be sure in their own mind » Read: Amos 5:14-15, Amos 5: 21-24 Amos the prophet said to the people of Israel, “God will be your helper if you hate evil and love what is good.” Amos also told them, “This is what the Lord...

(Children) Stealing from the poor


Monday August 03rd, 2020 Memorize: Luke 6:35 « So love your enemies. Do good to them, and lend to them without hoping to get anything back. If you do these things, you will have a great reward. You will be sons and daughters of the Most High God » Read: Amos 2:6-7, Amos 3:1-2 The kingdom of Israel had split: there was a Northern kingdom (still called Israel), and a Southern kingdom (now called...

(Children) “It’s not fair!”


Sunday August 02nd, 2020 Memorize: Romans 9:15 « God said to Moses, “I will show kindness to anyone I want to show kindness. I will show mercy to anyone I want to show mercy.”» Read: Jonah 4:1-11 God was merciful towards the people of Nineveh. He changed His mind about destroying the city when the people showed that they were truly sorry for their sin. Instead of being happy that the people...

(Children) From riches to rags


Saturday August 01st, 2020 Memorize: Ezekiel 11:19 « I will give them a desire to respect me completely. I will put a new way to think inside them. I will take out the stubborn heart like stone from their bodies. Then I will give them an obedient heart of flesh. » Read: Jonah 3:1-10 The city of Nineveh was so big that it would have taken three days to walk around it. Jonah started telling...

(Children) The bottom of the ocean


Friday July 31st, 2020 Memorize: Psalm 139:7 « Where can I go to get away from your Spirit? Where can I run from you? » Read: Jonah 1:11-2:10 Now that the sailors knew that the storm at sea was Jonah’s fault, they asked him what they should do for the storm to stop. “Throw me into the sea,” he said, “and it will be calm.” At first, the sailors did not want to throw Jonah overboard, but when the...

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