
(Children) The banquet


Friday August 28th, 2020 Memorize: 1 Corinthians 2:14 « A person who is not spiritual does not accept the things that come from the Spirit of God…. They cannot understand them, because those things can only be judged with spiritual mind. » Read: Daniel 5:1-8, Daniel 5: 25-27 King Nebuchadnezzar’s son Belshazzar was the next king of Babylon. One night he invited a thousand special guests to a big...

(Children) The king eats grass


Thursday August 27th, 2020 Memorize: James 4:10 « Humble yourself before the Lord, and he will honor you. » Read: Daniel 4:18, Daniel 4: 24-34 King Nebuchadnezzar had a strange dream that even his wisest advisors could not figure out. Eventually, the king called Daniel and told him the dream. When Daniel heard what the king had dream, he was afraid to tell him what it meant, but the king insisted...

(Children) I am with you


Wednesday August 26th, 2020 Memorize: Isaiah 43:2 « When you walk through the fire, you will not be burned; the flames will not hurt you. » Read: Daniel 3:19-28 Daniel’s friends had refused to bow to King Nebuchadnezzar’s statue and so they were thrown into a very hot furnace. It was so hot that even the guards, who threw the three men in, were burned to death. Yet, as the king looked into the...

(Children) Bow or die!


Tuesday August 25th, 2020 Memorize: Matthew 5:10 « Those who are treated badly for doing good are happy. The kingdom of heaven belongs to them. » Read: Daniel 3:12-18 King Nebuchadnezzar instructed everyone to bow down to the golden statue he had set up. So, when the music started playing, everyone bowed down to the statue—everyone, except Daniel’s three friends, Shadrach, Meshach, and...

(Children) The super-idol


Monday August 24th, 2020 Memorize: Philippians 2:10 « God wants every knee to bow to Jesus— everyone in heaven, on earth, and under the earth. » Read: Daniel 3:1-7 King Nebuchadnezzar of Babylon decided to have a huge golden statue put up. He ordered his workers to make it, and when it was ready, he invited officials from all over the country to come and see it. When everyone had...

(Children) Not on the menu


Sunday August 23rd, 2020 Memorize: 1 Corinthians 10:23 « We are allowed to do all things. Yes. But not all things are good for us to do. » Read: Daniel 1:1-2, Daniel 1: 18-19  As Jeremiah had prophesied, King Nebuchadnezzar of Babylon attacked the city of Jerusalem, taking many Israelite to Babylon as slaves. Daniel was one of those who were captured. Soon after he arrived in Babylon...

(Children) Things get messy


Saturday August 22nd, 2020 Memorize: John 10:27-28 « Jesus said, “My sheep listen to my voice; I know them, and they follow me…no one can steal them out of my hand.” » Read: Jeremiah 38:5-13 Jeremiah told those who were still in Jerusalem that they would not be killed in battle or die of starvation if they surrendered to the Babylonians. But when the leaders heard Jeremiah’s message, they went to...

God’s discipline gives hope


Friday August 21st, 2020 Memorize: Proverbs 1:7 « Knowledge begins with respect for the Lord. But foolish people hate wisdom and discipline. » Read: 2 Chronicles 36:13-18, Jeremiah 29:11 King Josiah died, and after a time, Zedekiah became king of Judah. He did not follow the Lord as King Josiah had done. The Lord had promised Josiah that He would not bring disaster on Jerusalem as long as he was...

(Children) The potter


Thursday August 20th, 2020 Memorize: Isaiah 64:8 « But Lord, you are our father.  We are like clay, and you are the potter. Your hands made us all. » Read: Jeremiah 18:1-6 One day, the Lord told Jeremiah to go down to the potter’s house. Jeremiah went there and found the potter making clay pots on his spinning wheel. Jeremiah noticed that whenever the pot that the potter was making did not...

(Children) Don’t boast


Wednesday August 19th, 2020 Memorize: Galatians 6:14 « May I never boast, except when it comes to the cross of our Lord Jesus Christ which is my only reason for bragging. Through the cross of Jesus my world was crucified and I died to the world » Read: Jeremiah 9:23-24 This is what the Lord said through his prophet Jeremiah. “The wise should not be proud of their wisdom, nor the strong show off...

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