
(Children) During the night… when all was quiet


Wednesday September 09th, 2020 Memorize: Luke 14:28 « If you wanted to build a house, you would first sit down and decide how much it would cost. You must see if you have enough money to finish the job. » Read: Nehemiah 2:4-15 When Nehemiah told the king why he was so sad, King Artaxerxes said, “You should go to the land of Judah and rebuild the walls of the city where your people live.” The king...

(Children) Bad news


Tuesday September 08th, 2020 Memorize: Matthew 9:36 « When Jesus saw the crowds of people and felt sorry for them because they were worried and helpless. They were like sheep without a shepherd. » Read: Nehemiah 1:1-6, Nehemiah 2:1-3 King Artaxerxes reigned in Persia for twenty years and Nehemiah served as his personal butler. One day, Nehemiah found out that things weren’t going well in...

(Children) Ezra also returns home


Monday September 07th, 2020 Memorize: Acts 21:5 « When we finished our visit, we left and continued our trip. All the followers, even the women and children, came outside the city with us. We all knelt down on the beach and prayed. » Read: Ezra 7:1-7, Ezra 8:21-23 Some years after the Temple was built, Ezra left Babylon with a second group of Jews returning to Jerusalem. Ezra was not a prophet...

(Children) A promise of blessing


Friday September 04th, 2020 Memorize: Ezekiel 34:26 « I will bless them and let them live around my hill. I will send down showers in season, there will be showers of blessing. » Read: Haggai 1:12-14, Haggai 2:15-19 When Haggai told the Jews who had returned from Babylon that God wanted them to rebuild the Temple, they obeyed straight away. And as they began working on the Temple, the Lord...

(Children)The return to Jerusalem


Thursday September 03rd, 2020 Memorize: James 4:8 « Come near to God, and God will come near to you. » Read: Haggai 1:1-11 After seventy years in Babylon, many Jews who had been slaves there started returning to Jerusalem. God was bringing His people back to their own land as He had promised. Yet as the people settled in their home country, their main concern was to build beautiful houses for...

(Children) Dead wood


Wednesday September 02nd, 2020 Memorize: Matthew 7:19-20 « Every tree that does not produce good fruit is cut down and thrown into the fire. You will know the fake Christians by the fruits they produce. » Read: Ezekiel 15:1-5 One day, the Lord asked Ezekiel, “What use is there for the wood of a dead vine? It can’t be used for carving something useful, and it doesn’t even make good firewood! Trees...

(Children) Let’s pretend


Tuesday September 01st, 2020 Memorize: Luke 6:49 « But the one who hears my words and does not obey is like a person who builds a house on the ground without a foundation » Read: Ezekiel 33:30-33 The Lord told Ezekiel that the people to whom he was preaching were only pretending to be interested. “They are talking behind your back saying, ‘Come let’s go hear what the Lord has to say to us today.’...

(Children) They won’t listen


Monday August 31st, 2020 Memorize: 2 Timothy 4:2 « Preach the Good News. Be ready at all times. Tell people what they need to do, tell them when they are wrong, and encourage them. Do these things with great patience and careful teaching. » Read: Ezekiel 2:4-7 Ezekiel was God’s prophet to the Jews, who had been taken captive by the Babylonians. God had allowed them to be taken as slaves to a...

(Children) The den of lions


Sunday August 30th, 2020 Memorize: Psalm 22:21 « Rescue me from the lion’s mouth.  Save me from the horns of the bulls. » Read: Daniel 6:13-24 King Darius had been talked into signing a law which said that anyone caught praying would be thrown to the lions. However, Daniel still prayed three times a day—as he had done before. When Daniel’s enemies saw him praying, they immediately went to...

(Children) Nothing will stop me


Saturday August 29th, 2020 Memorize: Matthew 5:14 « And Jesus said to them, “You are the light that gives light to the world. A city that is built on a hill cannot be hidden”. » Read: Daniel 6:1-13 On the same night that Belshazzar saw the writing on the palace wall, his kingdom was conquered by Darius—as Daniel had told him when he explained the message from God. Darius chose Daniel...

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