
(Children) The believers’ prayer


Sunday December 06th, 2020 Memorize: John 16:23-24 « I tell you the truth, my Father will give you whatever you ask in my name. Until now you have not asked for anything in my name. Ask and you will receive » Read: Acts 4:23-31 When the priests and elders realized that they couldn’t really punish Peter and John for healing a lame man, they warned them never to speak about Jesus again. But Peter...

(Children) Peter and John are threatened


Saturday December 05th, 2020 Memorize: Luke 12:12 « When in need, the Holy Spirit will teach you what you must say. » Read: Acts 4:1-6, 13-22 While Peter and John spoke to the crowd that had gathered around them, some Temple officials came to arrest them and put them in jail. Meanwhile, many of those who had heard Peter’s message put their trust in Jesus, and the number of believers grew to about...

(Children) God is glorified


Friday December 04th, 2020 Memorize: Psalm 86:12 « Lord, my God, I will praise you with all my heart. I will honor your name forever. » Read: Acts 3:11-16 The cripple who had been healed was holding on to Peter and John with joy. People rushed from all sides of the Temple porch to see the beggar who had been healed. When Peter saw the people, he said to them, “People of Israel, why are you...

(Children)A new day for a beggar


Thursday December 03rd, 2020 Memorize: 1 Corinthians 12:30-31 « Not everyone have gifts of healing. Not everyone speak in different divine languages. Not everyone is able to interpret those languages.  But you should truly want to have the greater gifts of the Spirit. » Read: 1 Corinthians 13:1-7 read also Acts 3:1-10 One afternoon, Peter and John were on their way to a prayer meeting when they...

(Children) The Holy Spirit comes down


Tuesday December 01st, 2020 Memorize: Acts 2:17 « God says: “In the last days I will pour out my Spirit on all people.My sons and My daughters will prophesy. Young men will see visions. The old men will have special dreams. » Read: Acts 2:1-12 The disciples, now called apostles, were gathered together in a house on the day of Pentecost (a Jewish feast to celebrate the beginning of the harvest...

(Children) Jesus speaks to Peter


Monday November 30th, 2020 Memorize: Luke 22:32  « Jesus said to Peter, “I have prayed that you will not lose your faith! Once you would have passed this test of faith, help your brothers and sisters get stronger’’ » Read: John 21:15-25 When the disciples landed, they dragged their heavy net ashore. There was a small coal fire with some fish on it, and some bread. Jesus told them to bring...

(Children) At the sea of Galile


Sunday November 29th, 2020 Memorize: Jeremiah 32:17 « “Oh Lord my God, with your great power you made the earth and the sky. There is nothing too hard for you to do”. » Read: John 21:1-14 After Jesus had shown Himself to the disciples, they left the house where they were staying and went to Galilee. Jesus had told them that He would go on ahead and meet them there. While some of the...

(Children) Thomas beleives


Saturday November 28th, 2020 Memorize:1 John 4:1 « My dear friends, many false prophets are in the world now. So do not believe every spirit. But test the spirits to see if they are from God. » Read:John 20:24-29 Thomas, one of the disciples, had not been there when Jesus appeared to the others. When they told him that they had seen Jesus, he said, “Unless I see the scars from the nails in His...

(Children) Jesus appears to the disciples


Friday October 27th, 2020 Memorize: Philippians 3:21 « Our Lord, Jesus Christ, will change our humble bodies and make them like His own glorious body. Christ can do this by His power. With that power He is able to rule all things. » Read: Luke 24:33-43 The two who had met Jesus on their way home, ran all the way back to the city to tell the disciples that Jesus had risen from the dead. When they...

(Children) Jesus is alive!


Thursday November 26th, 2020 Memorize: John 16:22 « It is the same with you. Now you are sad, but I will see you again, and you will be happy. You will have a joy that no one can take away. » Read: Luke 24:9-19, Luke 24: 28-32 When the women told the disciples that an angel had appeared to them saying that Jesus had risen, the disciples didn’t believe them. But Peter and John ran to the tomb and...

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