Protected by the anointing


Monday July 03rd, 2023

« “Don’t touch my anointed (chosen ones)! Don’t harm my prophets!” » 

Read: Psalms 24: 4-6 NIV

4 The one who has clean hands and a pure heart, who does not trust in an idol
    or swear by a false god.

5 They will receive blessing from the Lord, and vindication from God their Savior.

6 Such is the generation of those who seek him, who seek your face, God of Jacob.

Understand :

Years ago, as we were preparing to ordain certain minsters, the Lord instructed me to include a particular minister for ordination.

I protested this divine nomination because by my personal assessment, this person should not be considered for ordination yet.

The Lord then explained to me why that particular minister should be ordained that year. The reason was amazing to me and I will forever be grateful to my Daddy for that revelation.

According to my Daddy, the place where this minister was serving was rife with the activities of witchcraft and dominated by the power of divination, and so he needed the shield of the anointing against the onslaught of demons if I did not want his corpse to be brought back to me from the field at any time.

In other words, the anointing received in the place of ordination is not a matter of title but an instrument of office or power to perform, and one of its functions is protecting its carriers from demonic attacks as they go about their divinely-designated as Christ’s ambassadors. 

Many people despise ordination because some people who were ordained in the past rubbished it through their behavior.

The truth is, ordination is a special spiritual shield against the spiritual attacks of the enemy.

Spiritual warfare is more destructive than physical warfare and we cannot fight it with carnal weapons (2 Corinthians 10:4).

Out of ignorance, some people reject the privilege of receiving the anointing in the name of being humble and modest.

There is no virtue in rejecting the offer of being ordained by God, unless you are not sure of the source of the anointing that flows from that gesture.

There are many things that can’t be done in the ministry by physical strength; only the power derived from the anointing does such things.

Apart from being defensive weapon, the anointing is also an offensive weapon that destroys yokes (Isaiah 10:27).

Just as electric current cannot be seen as it flows through a cable but is deadly when touched, so it is with the anointing.

Its protective nature destroys the enemies of the anointed and all demonic yokes.

This is why the Bible warns everyone not to touch the Lord’s anointed (Psalm 105:15).

An example of someone who touched God’s anointed was King Herod, who decided to kill the Lord’s disciples in order to please the Jews.

He was smitten by an angel of the Lord, died and was instantly eaten up by worms (Acts 12:1-3, 22-24).

Beloved, although the anointing comes through many means, the starting point is at Calvary where sins are rolled away through repentance.

Righteousness is the bedrock of the anointing and the word of God prepares and leads us towards it (Hebrews 1:9).

Beloved, live a life of holiness and you will be anointed, not only for service but also for protection.

It is well with you. 

Prayer point – Father please anoint my head for exploit and protection in Jesus’ Name.

Author: Bishop Enoch. A. Adeboye.

Edited by Naomie

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