Prayer of thanksgiving


Tuesday February 09th, 2021

Memorize: 1 Thessalonians 5:18 Contemporary English Version (CEV)

« Whatever happens, keep thanking God because of Jesus Christ. This is what God wants you to do. »

Read: Psalm 136:1-26

1 Oh, give thanks to the Lord, for He is good!
For His mercy endures forever.

Oh, give thanks to the God of gods!
For His mercy endures forever.

Oh, give thanks to the Lord of lords!
For His mercy endures forever:

To Him who alone does great wonders,
For His mercy endures forever;

To Him who by wisdom made the heavens,
For His mercy endures forever;

To Him who laid out the earth above the waters,
For His mercy endures forever;

To Him who made great lights,
For His mercy endures forever—

The sun to rule by day,
For His mercy endures forever;

The moon and stars to rule by night,
For His mercy endures forever.

10 To Him who struck Egypt in their firstborn,
For His mercy endures forever;

11 And brought out Israel from among them,
For His mercy endures forever;

12 With a strong hand, and with an outstretched arm, For His mercy endures forever;

13 To Him who divided the Red Sea in two,
For His mercy endures forever;

14 And made Israel pass through the midst of it,
For His mercy endures forever;

15 But overthrew Pharaoh and his army in the Red Sea, For His mercy endures forever;

16 To Him who led His people through the wilderness, For His mercy endures forever;

17 To Him who struck down great kings,
For His mercy endures forever;

18 And slew famous kings,
For His mercy endures forever—

19 Sihon king of the Amorites,
For His mercy endures forever;

20 And Og king of Bashan,
For His mercy endures forever—

21 And gave their land as a heritage,
For His mercy endures forever;

22 A heritage to Israel His servant,
For His mercy endures forever.

23 Who remembered us in our lowly state,
For His mercy endures forever;

24 And rescued us from our enemies,
For His mercy endures forever;

25 Who gives food to all flesh,
For His mercy endures forever.

26 Oh, give thanks to the God of heaven!
For His mercy endures forever.

1. Thank God for the salvation of your soul.

2.  Thank God for your life.

Thank Him for preserving your life.

You are not better than those you started this year with but are no more.

3.  Praise God for His grace that has brought you this far in life.

4.  Thank God for victory over known and unknown enemies.

5.  Thank God for your health. Thank Him because His stripe has healed you.

6.  Thank God for His provision. Thank Him because He provides for you even when it seems all hope is lost.

7.  Thank God for journey mercies every day.

8.  Thank God for all your relatives, friends, neighbors and colleagues.

9.  Thank God for your place of work, business or school.

10.  Thank God for the Body of Christ and for the privilege to be a part of the Church.

11.  Praise God in advance for all that He is set to do in your life.

12.  Count your blessings, name them one by one and thank Him from the bottom of your heart.

I join my faith with yours and pray that the Lord will accept your thanksgiving, in the mighty name of Jesus.

Action point: Make today a special Thanksgiving Day unto God. He will surely reward you for it.

Author: Pst E. A. Adeboye.

Text edited by Naomie

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