Oh that glorious blood (III)


This is the third segment of a three part blog post.

For part one, click here

For part two, click here

– Then Moses announced to Pharaoh, ‘’This is what the Lord says: at midnight tonight, I will pass through the heart of Egypt, all the firstborn sons will die in every family in Egypt, from the oldest son of Pharaoh who sits on his throne, to the oldest son of his lowliest servant girl who grinds the flour. Even the firstborn of all the livestock will die. But among the Israelite it will be so peaceful that not even a dog will bark (Exodus 11:4-8).

By now, it’s clear that God had beef with the Egyptians, He wanted to take revenge on them for the way they treated His own for hundreds of years. It gives the meaning to sentence ‘’touch not my anointed, do my prophets no harm’’ (Psalms 105:15).

‘’Moses you will tell Pharaoh, ‘Israel is my firstborn son. I commanded you, ‘Let my son go, so he can properly serve me’. But since you have refused, I will now kill your firstborn son! (Exodus 4:21-23)’’ For every Israelite mother who lost a son in Egypt via bondage, an Egyptian’s first born son will die.

The main reason why God continually hardened Pharaoh’s heart, was so He could avenge His people.

This is where it gets interesting, for the previous nine disasters; the children of Israel only had to seat back and watch. It’s the feeling one gets upon giving their life to Jesus, as a new born Christian, everything runs smoothly, before we finish praying, God would have already fulfilled our request.

For His final act of revenge on the Egyptians, God required the cooperation of the Israelite; they needed to exercise their faith through complete, ‘un-delayed’ obedience.

For years they had been praying for a breakthrough, each time they will get so close to it, it would evade them. Heaven had already ordained their deliverance, remember when Jacob fasted and prayed asking God if he could move to Egypt, God’s answer was: ”Do not fear to go down to Egypt, for I will make of you a great nation there…I will surely bring you back to your land again (Genesis 46:3-4).”

The essence of our entire Christian life is based on obedience. If you are willing and obedient, you will eat the best of the land’’.

(Isaiah 1:19).

– Now the Lord spoke to Moses and Aaron in the land of Egypt saying ‘On the tenth of this month, every household shall take a one year old male lamb or goat, the animal must be without blemish, keep it until the fourteenth day of the same month. Then the whole assembly of the congregation of Israel shall kill it at twilight. And they shall take some of the blood and put it on the two doorposts and on the lintel of the houses where they eat it. For that night I will pass through the land of Egypt and strike all the firstborn in the land, both man and beast; and against all the gods of Egypt, I will execute judgement: I am the Lord. The blood shall be a sign for you on the houses where you are. And when I see the blood, I will pass over you and not allow the destroyer to come into your houses to strike you (Exodus 12:1-13).

Antidote to death

To get their final breakthrough their Children of Israel had to demonstrate their faith via obedience and via the application of a divine principle which is the application of blood.

– And you shall observe this Passover ceremony forever, for generations to come’’.

Exodus 12:1-20

By faith, we are the heirs of Abraham, we are the new Israelite. Whatever was required of them in the natural realm, we must do in the spiritual. Christians are to observe the Passover ceremony forever.

Coping Words

Why did God demanded that every year they celebrate the Passover by shedding the blood of an animal that is without blemish? It was a balance for the curse of death that was released in the Garden of Eden, when Adam and Eve sinned. The direct consequence of sin is death. In the garden, after Adam and Eve sinned, the Bible tells us: ‘’for Adam and his wife, the LORD GOD made tunics of skin, and clothed them (Genesis 3:21). To get that animal skin, blood had to be shed; therefore God executed the first Passover ceremony.

‘’Everything is purified with blood, that is why without the shedding of blood there’s no forgiveness of sin (Hebrews 9:22). The opposite of death is life and life can only be found in blood. That is why only the houses covered by blood were skipped when the spirit of death was passing by.

Because of the disobedience of Adam and Eve, referred to as the “fall of mankind,” the spirit of death was released and empowered. It’s called the fall of mankind simply because from that moment on, all the descendant of Adam and Eve will inherently carry the seed of sin in them. Death is a spirit, in order for that spirit to dominate, it must be fed. Therefore because of the disobedience of our progenitors we carry sin in us which means we are automatically subject to the power of death. Death automatically has dominion over us because it feeds on the sin in us.

Like I said before, the opposite of death is life, and life is found only in the blood. That is why in the garden, blood had to be shed, in order to preserve Adam and Eve’s life. Passover was instituted by God to preserve the life of the Israelite. That is why, in order to be acceptable to God, the children of Israel, including us the spiritual Israel, were mandated to celebrate Passover every year.

In search of a superior lamb

‘’The Tabernacle and everything in it, which were copies of things in Heaven, had to be purified by the blood of animals. But the real things in heaven had to be purified with far better sacrifices than the blood of animals’’ (Hebrews 9:23).

‘’The Passover sacrifice was repeated again and again, year after year, but the animal blood was never able to provide perfect cleansing. For it is not possible for the blood of animal to take away sins. (Hebrews 10:1:4)’’

Why wasn’t the blood animals able to remove human’s sins? Simply because the payment was not even. When using a currency note to purchase something, the legal tender must be higher or equal value to the item being purchased. Animals are lower than humans; it requires the blood of a creature that is higher or equal to men to be able to fully redeem men. And the transaction had to be done willingly in perfect obedience to cancel the disobedience act that took place in the Garden of Eden.

In Heaven, God presented the problem of unequal currency transaction, and asked what could be done to cancel the cycle of sin and death in humans. He goes on to specify that it will be a onetime transaction, if done in perfect obedience, that blood will remove the sins of entire mankind, past, present and future.

And someone by the name of Jesus raised His hand and said, ‘’Father God, I will be delighted to do it’’. The whole hosts of Heaven were stunned, ‘’are you crazy?’’ replied one of the Elders. God replied ‘’no, no, the Devil already took a son and a daughter from me; I don’t want to lose you too.’’ And Jesus replied, do not worry Father, you won’t lose me.

After a long pause, Father God replied ”listen, you don’t have to do this’’ and Jesus replied: ‘’I know I don’t have to, but I want to, I want all of your children to be reconciled to you, I want us to live as a big happy family’’ And God continued on saying: ‘’do you realize that the moment you leave Heaven, you will become fully human with a corrupted flesh?

You will regularly suffer physically and emotionally; pain will be your closest friend. The people you want to save will despise you; they will reject you to your face. They will treat you like poo. They will beat you up so much so that your face will be completely disfigured, after they are done with your, there will be no flesh left on your body!’’ To that Jesus replied ‘’I am willing to leave Heaven and go on Earth to experience their grievances, I want to able to understand their sorrows. I want to be their Passover lamb, that way I will pay for their transgressions and iniquities. I’m willing to offer my blood not to cover their sins, but to remove it completely once and for all. I want to restore their mental health, their physical health, I want to protect them against every demonic attacks, I want to give them wealth.’’

To that God replied:

‘’Keep in mind in order to do all these things, you will become the embodiment of sin, at which point you will be repulsive to me. I, too will have to reject You’’ and Jesus said, ‘’I know Father, however, my answer still stands, I want to be the final and ultimate Passover lamb for mankind. After Me, they will never need to offer animal blood for sacrifices or for sin offerings, therefore give me a mortal body to offer as the final sacrifice of obedience. O God I want to do your will (Hebrews 10:5)’’.

Then God said to Jesus ‘’If you become their Passover lamb, I will cancel the First Covenant, and I will start a brand new One with You which will come in effect immediately upon your resurrection (Easter Sunday). I will put my laws in my earthly children’ hearts and I will write each of their names on My mind. My love for them will be completely restored because I will no longer require a High Priest between them and me, there will be no more barriers.  Through Your blood, I will never reject anyone who comes to Me, because I will never remember their sins and lawless deeds.

After You Jesus, there will be no need for another Passover Lamb ’’

So God agreed to send Jesus to become the ultimate sacrifice.

Jesus the perfect lamb

In Exodus 12, God gave specific requirements concerning the animal that was to be offered.

– The Israelite were to take a one-year-old lamb or goat that was without defect (perfect or sin free) (Exodus 12:5).

King Jesus was deposited in Mary’s womb by God Himself; therefore he did not inherit the seed of sins from man.

– The Israelite were to chose the animal on the tenth day, and then slaughter it on the evening of the fourteenth day (Exodus 12:6).

Jesus came and spent thirty three years among men. He was arrested on a Thursday evening, died on a Friday and resurrected on Sunday.

– The whole assembly of Israelite must slaughter the lamb (Exodus 12:6)

Pilate, the Roman Emperor asked Jesus: ‘’don’t you hear the testimony the chief priest and the elders of Israel are bringing against you’’. It was the Israelite (the assembly of Israel) who handed Jesus to the Romans to be crucified. (Matthew 27:12-13)

So Jesus offered Himself as the Passover lamb. Though He was God, he did not behave like so, instead He gave up his divine privileges, He humbled Himself in complete obedience to God and died a criminal’s death on a cross (Philippians 2:6-8).

However, contrary to the natural lamb that was offered, death could not hold Him back. This lamb was perfect, without sins, death had no power over him because death needs sin tor survive.

On account of Jesus’ perfect obedience (which prevented Him from being contaminated with sin), God elevated Him to the place of highest honor and gave Him the title and name that is above every name, that at the mention of the name of Jesus, every knee will bow, in Heaven and on earth and under the earth, and every tongue declares that Jesus Christ is Lord of All, to the glory of God the Father (Philippians 2:9-11).

Get you some of that blood, it’s already paid for !

Beloved, remember the angel of death did not care about the nationality of the person living inside the house; all he wanted to see was the blood. I wouldn’t be surprised if some Egyptians applied the blood on their door post, as an attempt to escape death.  In other word, the only way for you to escape spiritual, emotional and eternal death, is by appropriating the blood of Jesus. No matter your history, nationality, gender, social economical background, that blood is able to give you life.

If Jesus is already the king of your life; cheers to you. Make every day a Passover day, every morning plead the blood of Jesus (divine protection) over everything that belongs to you. Soak up your body, your emotions, your loved ones, your marriage, your finances even your pet in that precious Blood.

However, keep in mind that the blood is most effective when coupled with obedience.

The privileges of a country belong to the citizen of that said country. Therefore only those who belong to Jesus have access to His blood. If you are reading this today and desire to make Jesus the number one person in your life, if you want your sins to be erased, please repeat aloud this prayer with me:

‘’Heavenly Father, I believe Jesus is Your Son, the Son of God who died on the cross for all my sins. He bore my judgement, my penalty and all my condemnations. He became my curse, that I might be blessed, forgiven and justified. I am blessed because all my sins, past, present and future are forgiven. When I failed, when I fall, I still remain blessed, because you will never impute sins to me. Thank you Father for the gift of your Son. Jesus Christ is my lord and savior forever. Amen.

If it’s your first time confessing Jesus as your Lord and Savior, I welcome you on Jesus’ team. I swear to you, this is the best decision of your entire life.

Please connect to a local church, get to know your new Christian siblings, demonstrate your love for Jesus by faithfully serving in His house.

If I never get to meet you here on earth, I am positive, we will meet in Heaven.

Advanced Coping Words

People of God, I’m challenging you, on Sundays and on Easter weekend, limit any activities that are not Kingdom related. Remind the word that you are Christian by not making unnecessary purchases on Easter weekend and on regular Sundays.

Beloved, I hope these blog posts were of service to you. If it’s the case, kindly press on the heart and share this document.

God willing, very soon you will be able to subscribe to Coping Words =)

The Lord bless you and keep you. May He smile upon you and give you peace.

with love, Naomie

Text edited by Chine (Pronounced Chi-nay)

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