morning affirmation


Because King Jesus is my Shepherd, I live a life of abundance,

Today I receive from Heaven the portion that is allotted to me

In all my decisions, the Holy Spirit leads me to a place of peace and rest.

As I daily consume the written Word of God; all my spiritual needs are met, all my emotional needs are met, and all my financial needs are met.

My soul is fully restored

I walk in divine health.

Today I recognize God’s voice; I perceive His every words.

I am effective, I am efficient.

The mighty hand of God upon me leads me in the path of righteousness.

Because I identify as a Christian, I lead an honest an truthful life.

I am a blessing to everyone around me.

The Lord’s rod corrects me

The Lord’s staff protects me.

My God lifts my head before enemies

My God anoints my head with the oil of joy.

Today I receive the oil gladness.

I have favor with God.

I have favor with people.

Every day of my life, I make the House of God my priority.


Psalms 23


Today in Jesus’ name I am standing strong in the Lord,

I am strengthened by His might.

My waist is girded with Biblical truth.

My vital organs are protected by the breastplate of righteousness.

Everywhere I go, I bring hope because my feet are shed with the preparation of the Gospel of peace

My core believes are shielded by my Christian faith.

Equipped with the helmet of Salvation, I have a clear and sound mind

The sword of the Spirit makes me a victor

I forever stand strong in the Lord Jesus Christ

Ephesians 6:10-18

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