Love: the bedrock of Christianity


Tuesday December 26th, 2023

1 What if I could speak all languages of humans and of angels? If I did not love others, I would be nothing more than a noisy gong or a clanging cymbal.

What if I could prophesy and understand all secrets and all knowledge? And what if I had faith that moved mountains? I would be nothing, unless I loved others.

What if I gave away all that I owned and let myself be burned alive? I would gain nothing, unless I loved others.

The Bible teaches that God is the source of love; indeed, it is His very character.

Love involves the totality of our being in terms of thoughts, feelings and actions. Matthew 22:37-38 NKJV says:

Out of love, God gave His only beloved Son as the ultimate sacrifice for the Salvation of humanity (John 3:16).

He then commanded all Christians to reciprocate by loving one another. 1 John 4:7-8 AMP says:

We are enjoined first to love God with all our hearts and soul and mind.

This is the only way we can truly appreciate what love is and then express it to others.

God has empowered us as Christians to do this. Romans 5:5 NLT

The Bible shows us that love (charity) is revealed in action, especially what you do in the interest of others. 1 Corinthians 13:4-6 ESV

This is the standard God has set for all His children.

Assess yourself using the Bible verse above and make amends immediately wherever you have fallen short of Gods standard.

Finally, the way to demonstrate our love to God is to obey all His commandments (John 14:15).

As Christians, we must always radiate the love of God in a way that will draw people’s attention to Jesus Christ, not the other way round.

Can others see the love of God in you?

Prayer focus – Father, please let Your love radiate through me to the entire world, in the mighty name of Jesus.

Author – Bishop Enoch. A. Adeboye.

Edited by Naomie

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