Jesus is alive !


Sunday April 12th, 2020

Easter bonus devotions =)

Memorize: John 16:22

<< Now is your time of grief, but I will see you again and you will rejoice, and no one will take away your joy >>. 

Read:Luke 24:9-19; Luke 28-32

When the women told the disciples that an angel had appeared to them saying that Jesus had risen, the disciples didn’t believe them. But Peter and John ran to the tomb and found it empty.

The same day, two of Jesus’ followers were walking back to their hometown after the Passover celebration in Jerusalem. They had seen Jesus being crucified, and as they walked along the road to Emmaüs, they were very sad. Suddenly, Jesus started walking next to them and joined in their conversation, but they didn’t recognize Him.

Even though Jesus explained what the prophets had said about the Messiah who was to suffer and be glorified, they didn’t realize that it was Jesus talking to them.

When they arrived at Emmaüs, they invited Him to stay with them. At supper, Jesus gave thanks and broke the bread; and as He gave it to them, it was as though their eyes were opened and they recognized Him.

Why did Jesus not show Himself to everyone?

There was no need for Jesus to appear to those who didn’t believe in Him. If they had not believed in Him before, they would not believe in Him now. Even if someone came back from the dead to warn them, they would not believe (Luke 16:31). They had seen the miracles of Jesus, but what they saw did not help them believe in Him. Jesus wants followers who believe in Him by faith.

And so, Jesus showed Himself to the two followers walking along the road. Then He appeared to the disciples, and later, to many other followers. Jesus wanted them to be eyewitnesses: to see that He truly was alive. Although the disciples had not believed the women at first, when they saw Jesus they needed no further proof.

If Peter and the others were so convinced that Jesus had risen that they were willing to live and die for Him, we too can be absolutely sure that Jesus is alive right now!

Happy Easter, keep in mind that Jesus and I love you.

Author: Dave Strehler  

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