Wednesday September 15th, 2023

Meditate on Deuteronomy 34:7 NLT

« Moses was 120 years old when he died, yet his eyesight was clear, and he was as strong as ever »

Read Joshua 14:7-12 GNT

I was forty years old when the Lord’s servant Moses sent me from Kadesh Barnea to spy out this land. I brought an honest report back to him. 

The men who went with me, however, made our people afraid. But I faithfully obeyed the Lord my God. 

Because I did, Moses promised me that my children and I would certainly receive as our possession the land which I walked over. 

10 But now, look. It has been forty-five years since the Lord said that to Moses. That was when Israel was going through the desert, and the Lord, as he promised, has kept me alive ever since. Look at me! I am eighty-five years old 

11 and am just as strong today as I was when Moses sent me out. I am still strong enough for war or for anything else. 

12 Now then, give me the hill country that the Lord promised me on that day when my men and I reported. We told you then that the race of giants called the Anakim were there in large walled cities. Maybe the Lord will be with me, and I will drive them out, just as the Lord said.”


There are many people in the hospital now who would not have been there if only they had been eating healthy foods and exercising regularly.

They ate whatever they felt like eating and did not do any exercise because they didn’t seem to be having any health challenges, only to find out later that a disease had been growing inside them all the while.

In the time when you are feeling healthy, that is when you should pay good attention to your health.

For those whose health deteriorated to such an extent that they landed in the hospital, it may be too late for them to go out and exercise.

They can only pray for God to heal them and I am quite sure that when they get better, they will begin to eat healthy.

— I join my faith with whoever is reading this from the sickbed now; be healed in Jesus’ name —

I know some Christians will quote 1 Timothy 4:8 AMB

« For physical training is of some value, but godliness (spiritual training) is of value in everything and in every way, since it holds promise for the present life and for the life to come »

They interpret the verse above to mean that spiritual exercise is the only important thing to consider.

That passage, however, did not say physical exercise does not profit at all. It says it profits little.

That little profit must not be ignored.

A lot of rests on that ‘little’ as you cannot be as spiritually profitable as you would be if you were sick.

God needs your body to help Him fulfil His will on the earth.

The more Christians live healthy, the more work He can use them to do and the longer they can do the work.

God was able to use Moses right up until he was 120 years old because Moses was strong and healthy even at that age.

Caleb was able to say, “Give me this mountain” at the age of 85 because he was strong and healthy.

Take care of that body.

Don’t let it break down before you pay attention to it.

If you find out that when you walk a few miles, you start panting, you need to start exercising.

If your back seems to be aching more quickly than before, then maybe your sugar intake is becoming too much.

Pay attention to your health now so that you don’t run into trouble later.

It is advisable to have a comprehensive medical check- up once or twice a year.

It is not just when you are feeling sick that you should ask the doctor to examine you. By then, it may be late.

Application: When was the last time you did a comprehensive medical check-up?

Author: Bishop Enoch. A. Adeboye.

Edited by Naomie

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