Honor your parents


Sunday February 21st, 2021

Memorize: Exodus 20:12 New King James Versions (NKJV)

« Honor your father and your mother, that your days may be long upon the land which the LORD your God is giving you. »

Read: Ephesians 6:1-3 New King James Versions (NKJV)

1 Children obey your parents in the Lord, for this is right. 

“Honor your father and mother,” 

which is the first commandment with promise: 

“that it may be well with you and you may live long on the earth.”

Today’s memory verse says that you must honor your parents if you do not want to die young.

This is because of the law of harvest.

Whatever you do to your parents, your children will do to you in future.

If you honor your parent, you will live to become a parent and your children will honor you in return.

In Proverbs 20:20 NLT the Bible says that God gets very upset at children who mistreat their parents.

« If you insult your father or mother, your light will be snuffed out in total darkness. »

The above passage tells you that you should watch what you say to or about your parents, so that your light would not be put out in the day time.

In other words, if all of a sudden, a child thinks that he/she is now of age and prosperous and need not have any regard for his/her parents anymore, not only would the child die suddenly, he/she would do so in such a manner as to make people wonder How can this be?

I want to appeal to you if your parents are still alive, that you honor them, if you want to live long and enjoy the blessings of God.

This is the sole cause of the death of many young people these days, but because it cannot be scientifically proven, many people ignore it.

Your parents, no matter how bad they may have been, are the ones chosen by God to bring you to this world.

He knew how they would treat you before He allowed you come through them, and since we know that God does all things for our good, then our parents have a part to play in the fulfilment of our destiny.

God brought you to this world through them, so the least you can do is to honor them.

You may be saying Oh, you don’t know what my parents have done to me; if you did, you wouldn’t be telling me to honor them.

Well, they may have been horrible to you, but you don’t have to extend the effect of what they did to you by dishonoring them.

It is for your own good that you honor them because dishonoring them brings a curse.

Forgive them for whatever they have done wrong and begin to honor them as from today.

It is God’s will that you do so.

Key points: Dishonoring your parents is like committing suicide. Don’t kill yourself

Author: Pst E. A. Adeboye.

Text edited by Naomie

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