Wednesday March 20th, 2024

12 “If you listen to these commands and obey them faithfully, then the Lord your God will continue to keep His covenant with you and will show you His constant love, as He promised your ancestors. 

13 He will love you and bless you, so that you will increase in number and have many children; He will bless your fields, so that you will have grain, wine, and olive oil; and He will bless you by giving you many cattle and sheep. He will give you all these blessings in the land that He promised your ancestors He would give to you. 

14 No people in the world will be as richly blessed as you. None of you nor any of your livestock will be sterile. 

15 The Lord will protect you from all sickness, and He will not bring on you any of the dreadful diseases that you experienced in Egypt, but He will bring them on all your enemies.

Right from the beginning of the Scriptures in Genesis 1, you would observe love in action.

The love of God for man is so great and deep that He created this world for it.

In Genesis 1, God did not create man until He had created everything else that man needed to live comfortably here on earth.

Scientists agree that the earth is created in such a manner that everything in it makes it conducive for man to live in it.

We cannot quantify the extent of God’s love for man.

The Psalmist said in Psalm 8:4 CEV

The Scripture above makes it clear that even right now, God is mindful of you.

He loves you so much that He said in Isaiah 49:16 GWT

God’s love for us is great!

This love is so great that it extends to every strand of hair on your head.

He has given each strand of hair on your head a number, such that when one drops while you are combing it.

He is aware of the particular strand that dropped (Matthew 10:30).

I just want you to know how much God loves you.

You must know this love to be able to enjoy a fruitful walk with Him.

The knowledge of God’s love for you is what makes your walk with Him effective.

You must begin to believe His love for you so you can really experience joy.

Everyone else may reject you, but not God.

He will never leave you nor forsake you (Hebrews 13:5).

I am sure you have an idea of the kind of attachment a mother has to her child, especially when the child is still suckling.

Isaiah 49:15 says that even if a suckling mother forgets her child, God will never forget you.

Oh, such great love!

Even if you are still living in sin, I want you to know that He loves you (Romans 5:8).

He loves you so much that He will not stop calling you to come back into His marvelous light.

Please heed His call today.

It doesn’t matter how badly you have sinned, He will receive you with a warm hug when you come back home.

Jesus loves you.

Reminder – Nothing can ever take away God’s love for you.


Author – Bishop Enoch. A. Adeboye.

Edited by Naomie

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