Gluttony: not a Christian virtue


Saturday February 11th, 2023

Meditate on: Proverbs 23:2 Coping Words (CP)

« If you have a big appetite, exercised self-control, lest you eat to your death »

Read: Proverbs 23:1-8 Berean Study Bible (BSB)

1 When you sit down to dine with a ruler, consider carefully what is set before you,

2 and put a knife to your throat if you possess a great appetite.

3 Do not crave his delicacies, for that food is deceptive.

4 Do not wear yourself out to get rich; be wise enough to restrain yourself.

5 When you glance at wealth, it disappears, for it makes wings for itself and flies like an eagle to the sky.

6 Do not eat the bread of a stingy man,  and do not crave his delicacies;

7 for he is keeping track, inwardly counting the cost  “Eat and drink,” he says to you, but his heart is not with you.

8 You will vomit up what little you have eaten and waste your pleasant words.


Gluttony is a trait that manifest itself through eating or drinking more than is needful.

Indeed, this applies not only to food but to all material things. 

This habit is found in people who have given their belly or body free rein over their life, such that they are unable to hold back or restrain themselves whenever food or drink is set before them. For such people, the Holy Spirit says their good is their belly (Philippians 3:19).

Gluttony causes a person to develop a deadly appetite for things that can destroy him or her.

Food can do and has indeed done great damage to the destinies of many people throughout history.

The story of Esau who exchanged his birthright for a meal of red pottage is case in point (Genesis 25:29-34). No wonder Hebrews 12:16 (NLT) says:

« Make sure that no one is immoral or godless like Esau, who traded his birthright as the firstborn son for a single meal »

From Esau’s story, we see that food can sometimes be used as bait covering the hook of a fisherman.

An adage in my native language says,

The rodent is eating free banana and rejoicing; it does not know that sweet things kills. 

One man who understood the principles enunciate in today’s Bible reading was Daniel. On arrival in Babylon as a captive, he determined in his heart not to forget his background and heritage, so he did not allow himself get carried away by the king’s delicacies.

He and three other Hebrew boys decided to discipline themselves in anticipation of a time when their stand in God would be tested and they would no longer have access to the king’s benefits.

Whatever a man gives to you, he can also take away from you: This is why the source of our daily bread should be God alone. 

Whenever someone offers you a ‘free lunch’, try and decipher the motive behind the offer before accepting it.

When I was growing up in my father’s house, the attitude and disposition of a person offering us food determines whether we accepted it or not. Proverbs 23:6CSB says:

« Don’t eat a stingy person’s bread, and don’t desire his choice food »

Indeed, it takes self-discipline not to be gluttonous, especially in the time of need.

As a rule, in life, never allow your enemies know when you are ‘hungry’ because they can use your needs to get you down.

It is out of place to assume that Jacob had studied his brother Esau and was only waiting for the perfect opportunity to lure him with food.

This is one of the benefits of a life of fasting.

The Holy Spirit says in Proverbs 25:16NLT:

« Do you like honey? Don’t eat too much, or it will make you sick! »

A word is enough for the wise.

Prayer point : Father, I submit my appetite to the restraint of Your Spirit in Jesus’ Name.

Edited by Naomie

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