Feed the sheep


Sunday September 01st, 2024

« I will gladly spend myself and all I have for you, even though it seems that the more I love you, the less you love me »

14 Apostle Paul addressing the Believers in Corinth; ‘’I’m ready to visit you for a third time, and I won’t bother you for help. I don’t want your possessions. Instead, I want you. Children shouldn’t have to provide for their parents, but parents should provide for their children

15 I will be very glad to spend whatever I have. I’ll even give myself for you. Do you love me less because I love you so much?

16 You agree, then, that I haven’t been a burden to you. Was I a clever person who trapped you by some trick? 

17 Did I take advantage of you through any of the men I sent you? 

18 I encouraged Titus to visit you, and I sent my friend with him. Did Titus take advantage of you? Didn’t we have the same motives and do things the same way?

It’s very sad that these days, many pastors are not after souls, but rather, what is in the possession of these souls.

Jesus instruction is feed my sheep not get fed off my sheep.

We should all learn from the example of Apostle Paul.

He was a man who was willing to spend and be spent for the sake of the flock.

Even when they didn’t seem to be reciprocating his love for them, he loved them even more.

As a Pastor, Head of department or leader in whatever capacity, you need to check your motivations from time to time.

Are you more interested in what the people have or in the prosperity of their souls?

  • When you are more interested in what they have, you will find yourself excusing the sin of one fellow because he is rich while you condemn the same when committed by someone poor.
  • You would find yourself visiting only the rich members of the Church or your department/unit as the case may be, while you hardly check on the poorer ones.

Indeed, the Church needs money to do a lot of things, but are we supposed to look to human beings instead of God to sponsor His work?

Apostle James warned against this preferential treatment in the house of God in James 2:2-4 GWT which says:

God sent us out to bring souls into His kingdom, not money.

Don’t leave the most important for the least important.

This charge is to every Christian and not just pastors and leaders in the Church alone.

Ensure you bring the word of God in every situation or gathering you find yourself in.

God is relying on you to feed His sheep and bring the lost ones into the fold. Application – Pursue souls, not what they have.

Author – Bishop Enoch Adejare Adeboye; General Overseer of the RCCG

Edited by Naomie Joseph

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