Everyone has enemies


Friday February 12th, 2021

Memorize: Exodus 23:22 Coping Words (CW)

« But if you are careful to obey the angel I send before your, following all my instructions, then I will be an enemy to your enemies, and I will oppose those who oppose you. »

Read: Psalms 7:1-11 New King James Versions (NKJV)

1 O Lord my God, in You I put my trust;

save me from all those who persecute me;
And deliver me,

Lest they tear me like a lion, rending me in pieces, while there is none to deliver.

O Lord my God, if I have done this: If there is iniquity in my hands,

If I have repaid evil to him who was at peace with me, or have plundered my enemy without cause,

Let the enemy pursue me and overtake me; Yes, let him trample my life to the earth, And lay my honor in the dust.

Arise, O Lord, in Your anger;

Lift Yourself up because of the rage of my enemies;
Rise up for me to the judgment You have commanded!

So the congregation of the peoples shall surround You;
For their sakes, therefore, return on high.

The Lord shall judge the peoples;
Judge me, O Lord, according to my righteousness,
And according to my integrity within me.

Oh, let the wickedness of the wicked come to an end,
But establish the just;
For the righteous God tests the hearts and minds.

10 My defense is of God,
Who saves the upright in heart.

11 God is a just judge,
And God is angry with the wicked every day.

It is always funny to me when I meet people who think they do not have enemies.

As long as you are alive, you have enemies.

If you think because you have nothing for anyone to envy, you don’t have enemies, it means you have not yet read Proverbs 14:20 which says that the poor is hated by his own neighbor.

If because you are rich and successful, you think that you have no enemies, you must be joking.

Many years ago, one first-class chief invited me to his palace and he said I don’t know why I have so many enemies; can you help me? I responded Your majesty, everybody wants to be number one. Only a few people pray for the person who is in the number one position.

Thank God because while the enemies are plotting at night, you have a God who never sleeps nor slumbers watching over you.

Even though you have enemies, I don’t want you to worry about them because your God is bigger than them all put together.

In Psalm 23:5NLT, David said:

« You prepare a feast for me in the presence of my enemies. You honor me by anointing my head with oil. My cup overflows with blessings. »

God prepares your table not behind, but in the presence, of your enemies.

The enemies were there, they were alive, but God paralyzed them. They could not come near David. This is because David knew how to use the most potent weapon against enemies; praises to God.

The Bible says in Psalm 68:1NLT:

« Rise up, O God, and scatter your enemies. Let those who hate God run for their lives. »

How do you make God arise?

Through praise and worship.

Psalms 22:3 says He inhabits the praises of His people. In other words, when one of His children is praising Him, He will get up to stay with the fellow. As He is rising, all the enemies of that fellow will scatter.

That is why I don’t lead people in prayers to bind demons before every service. Instead, I say Let somebody shout Halleluiah. The moment God hears us shouting Halleluiah, He arises to come to our midst and all our enemies scatter.

In 2 Chronicles 20:21-22, when three great enemies came against Jehoshaphat, all he and his people had to do was to praise God and the enemies helped kill one another.

Key point: Everyone has enemies, but the enemies of those who praise God are powerless.

Author: Pst E. A. Adeboye.

Text edited by Naomie

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