(English) Mary’s song of praise


Sunday September 27th, 2020

Memorize: Psalm 69:30

« I will praise God in a song. I will honor him by giving thanks. »

Read: Luke 1:39-56

After the angel had visited Mary and told her that she was going to have a son, she went to visit her cousin, Elizabeth, who had also been promised a son—one who would make the hearts of the people ready to follow Jesus.

When Mary came to the house of Elizabeth and greeted her, the baby inside Elizabeth moved. Elizabeth was filled with the Holy Spirit and said to Mary, “You are blessed more than any other woman, for when I heard your greeting, the baby inside me jumped with gladness.”

Then Mary started singing a beautiful praise song to God:

“My heart praises the Lord.
My spirit is glad because of God my Savior;
For He has remembered His humble servant.
And from now everyone will call me blessed
Because of the great things God has done for me.
Holy is His name.”

How could I praise God with a song from my heart?

Do you like singing praise and worship songs? Have you ever thought of putting your own words of praise to a tune you know? You could even make up your own tune by first humming it until it sounds right. That is how many wonderful praise songs were written. David wrote in one of the Psalms: “He put a new song in my mouth, a hymn of praise to our God” Psalm 40:3. New songs keep coming from hearts that are filled with praise. How about putting some themes from Mary’s song into your own words.

– Think of:God’s power and might (verse 52)

– something to praise God for (verse 46-47)

– something He has done for you (verse 49)

– how He chose you and has a plan for your life (verse 48)

– the promises He has kept (verse 54).

Study questions

1-   Compose a song of praise to our Lord. In the song you must speak of God’s power, you must refer to something He has done for you and how He has a plan for your life.

Author: Dave Strehler  

Text edited by Naomie       

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