Christian discipleship II


Tuesday January 19th, 2021

Memorize: Mark 3:14 Berean Literal Bible (BLB)

« And He appointed twelve ones, and He called them apostles, that they might be with Him, and that He might send them to preach »

Read: Matthew 15:15-20 Amplified Bible, Classic Edition (AMPC)

15 But Peter said to Him, Explain this proverb (this maxim) to us.

16 And He said, Are you also even yet dull and ignorant [without understanding and  unable to put things together]?

17 Do you not see and understand that whatever goes into the mouth passes into the abdomen and so passes on into the place where discharges are deposited?

18 But whatever comes out of the mouth comes from the heart,

and this is what makes a person unclean and defiles [them].

19 For out of the heart come evil thoughts (reasonings and disputings and designs) such as murder, adultery, sexual vice, theft, false witnessing, slander, and irreverent speech.

20 These are what make a person unclean and defile [them];

but eating with unwashed hands does not make a person unclean or defile [them].

Availability is a key element in discipleship.

A coach must always be there to answer questions and give advice.

As a coach, you should always answer or return your coachees’ calls. Find time to be with them, even if it means taking them along with you on trips or to events.

Just make sure you are always there for them.

There are certain things to consider before agreeing to coach and mentor someone.

– First, only coach and mentor people whose company you can enjoy. As we saw in our memory verse today, the first reason Jesus chose disciples was for them to keep Him company, and of course, also to work with Him.

– It also shows that Jesus had seen great potential in the disciples and knew that as they worked with Him, they would become better.

Don’t coach and mentor someone in whom you have not seen any potential.

This is because it is that potential that will drive you to make sacrifices for that person.

Don’t just coach and mentor someone because he/she is a relative; choose who you coach and mentor carefully.

You should also know that your followers are not slaves.

Others may exploit their followers but as a Christian, you must follow Jesus example. He washed the feet of His disciples and even told them clearly in John 15:15 NKJV:

« No longer do I call you servants, for a servant does not know what his master is doing; but I have called you friends, for all things that I heard from My Father I have made known to you. »

Asides from that being the right thing to do, it will also model humility to them.

However, Christian disciples must not take their disciplers humility for granted.

Give honor to whom honor is due (Romans 13:7).

Christ’s discipleship model should be the standard for all Christians.

Reflection: Adopt Jesus Christ’s model of discipleship in grooming those the Lord has put in your care.

Author: Pst E. A. Adeboye.

Text edited by Naomie

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