(Children) The sweet smell of perfume


Wednesday November 11th, 2020

Memorize: Psalm 141:2

« Accept my prayer like a gift of burning incense, the words I lift up like an evening sacrifice »

Read: John 12:1-8

It was the time of the year when Jewish people celebrate the Passover, so Jesus and the disciples made their way from Jericho to Jerusalem. On their way, they stayed over at someone’s home in Bethany.

Martha served the dinner, which had been prepared in honor of Jesus. While they were eating, Mary took a jar of very expensive perfume and poured it on Jesus’ feet. Then she wiped His feet with her hair. The sweet smell of the perfume filled the whole house.

Judas, one of the disciples, sneered; “We could have sold this perfume and given the money to the poor!”

But Jesus replied, “Leave her alone! She has done a beautiful thing to Me. The poor will always be around, and you can help them whenever you want, but you will not always have Me.”

Why did Mary pour perfume on Jesus’ feet?

In those days, it was a custom to offer a guest a jar of water to wash his hands and feet when he entered the house. Mary did much more.

She went across to Jesus and poured her precious perfume over His feet. The perfume—which cost as much as some people earn in a year—was Mary’s gift of love. It was the most precious thing she owned. By pouring it over His feet, Mary showed that she no longer had anything that was more precious to her than Jesus.

Yet Mary felt that even this gift was only suitable for washing the feet of her Lord. So Mary gave more: she gave herself by bowing down at the feet of Jesus and used her hair to wipe His feet.

Study questions

1 – Compose a prayer in which you are telling God how super great He is

Author: Dave Strehler  

Text edited by Naomie       

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