(Children) The list


Wednesday September 23rd, 2020

Memorize: Revelation 3:5

« Everyone who wins the victory will be dressed in white. I will not remove their names from the book of life. I will say that they belong to me before my Father and before his angels. »

Read: Malachi 3:13-18

The Lord spoke to His people through His servant Malachi, saying; “You have said that it is useless to serve God and do what is right because it is the proud who are happy. It is the wicked who become richer and are not punished for their evil deeds.”

When those who loved and respected the Lord heard Malachi’s message, they started talking to each other about it. Then the names of those who honored the Lord were written in a book: the name of every person who loved the Lord was written down.

This is what the Lord said about those who loved Him; “They shall be Mine for they are My treasured possession. Once again my people will see the difference between what happens to the godly and the wicked; to the one who serves Me and the one who does not.”

Is my name in God’s book?

Have you ever stood in front of a Roll of Honor—a panel that lists the names of people who are honored for their achievements? Wow! What an honor to have one’s name listed with those top achievers and heroes. As you stare up at the beautifully printed names, have you secretly wished that your name were among those on the list?

Would you like your name to be on the most important list of all? It may be on there already! If you have asked Jesus to be Lord of your life, your name is already written in the Book of Life. This is God’s book, kept safely in heaven for that important day when those whose names are written in the Book of Life will be allowed to enter heaven and spend eternity with Him.

Study questions

1-   In your own words, explain in details today’s memory verse.

2-  What must we do in order to have our name written in the book of life?

3-  Is your name written in the book of life? Explain your answer in details.

Author: Dave Strehler  

Text edited by Naomie       

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