(Children) The Holy Spirit comes down


Tuesday December 01st, 2020

Memorize: Acts 2:17

« God says: “In the last days I will pour out my Spirit on all people.
My sons and My daughters will prophesy. Young men will see visions. The old men will have special dreams. »

Read: Acts 2:1-12

The disciples, now called apostles, were gathered together in a house on the day of Pentecost (a Jewish feast to celebrate the beginning of the harvest season).

Suddenly, the rushing noise of a strong wind filled the house, and what seemed like tongues of fire came to rest on each of them. All those in the house were filled with the Holy Spirit and began to speak in other languages.

Many godly Jews had come from far-off countries to gather for the celebrations in Jerusalem. When they heard the strange sound of wind above the house, they came running to see what was happening. They were even more amazed when they heard the apostles speaking in their languages.

“How do these men know our language?” they exclaimed, “They are all from Galilee!” But others mocked them saying that they were probably drunk.

Did the Holy Spirit fill people in Old Testament times?

In Old Testament times, there were a number of people who had a special blessing of God’s Spirit on them for a time, to do a special task. For example, the Spirit of the Lord came on Samson and gave him power to tackle and kill a lion with his bare hands (Judges 14:6). Others were given the Spirit to lead God’s people, for example, when David was anointed as king of Israel (1 Samuel 16:13).

When Jesus went back to heaven, He sent the Holy Spirit on all who followed Him (John 16:7). The Holy Spirit now lives in every believer! When someone becomes a follower of Jesus by believing in Him, the Holy Spirit comes to live inside that person from that moment on! (1 Corinthians 6:19).

Study questions

1 – What does it mean to be baptized in the Holy Spirit?

2 – What does it mean ‘to prophesy’?

3 – In your own words, explain in details today’s memory verse.

Author: Dave Strehler  

Text edited by Naomie       

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