(Children) The Church is born


Wednesday December 02nd, 2020

Memorize: Matthew 16:18

« So I tell you that you are Simon Peter, and I will use you to build my Church. The power of death will not be able to defeat my Church. »

Read: Acts 2:14, 37-47

A large crowd gathered around the house where the Holy Spirit had come down in an amazing way and filled the apostles with power.

Peter, who was filled with the Holy Spirit, boldly started preaching to the crowd, telling them what the prophet Joel said: “God will pour out His Spirit on everyone.”

When the people heard Peter’s words, they felt guilty about their sin and asked, “What should we do?”

Peter replied, “Turn away from sin and be baptized in the name of Jesus. Then God will forgive you and fill you with the Holy Spirit.”

Many believed and were baptized, and about three thousand people were added to the Church that day. They started to meet in groups; they shared whatever they owned, and they worshiped in the Temple area every day.

How and when did the Church begin?

While the disciples were gathered in a room, not knowing what would happen next, it was as though the Lord was busy forming the Church; preparing it to be born.

On the day the Holy Spirit came down, the disciples burst into the streets with the message of Jesus. Immediately, the Church started to grow as thousands came to know Jesus. Suddenly, the newborn Church became active, grew, and had a purpose.

– They met for worship, prayer, and breaking of bread (communion).

-They eagerly listened to the apostles’ teaching.

-They shared what they owned and gave money to the poor.

-They used their spiritual gifts, and miracles happened.

As they preached the Word of God, many turned from their sin and were saved. Those who were saved joined the group of believers, and the living Church grew.

Study questions

1 – In your opinion, why is the local church so important on earth?

2 – Give three purposes of the local church.

3 – What is your favorite thing about church?

Author: Dave Strehler  

Text edited by Naomie       

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