(Children) Powerful prayers


Sunday December 13th, 2020

Memorize: Matthew 18:19

« Jesus said to them “if two of you on earth agree on anything you pray for, my Father in heaven will do what you ask’’. »

Read: Acts 10:44-48, 12:1-10

While Peter was speaking to those who had gathered in the home of Cornelius, the Holy Spirit came on them. Everyone believed the Word of God and was baptized.

However, as the message of Jesus spread, King Herod started arresting the believers in order to keep the Jews happy. He had Peter arrested and put him in prison with sixteen soldiers to guard him. Meanwhile the other believers gathered to pray for Peter’s safety.

During the night, while Peter was sleeping between two guards, suddenly, an angel of the Lord appeared next to him. The angel shook Peter and woke him up. “Hurry! Put on your shoes and coat and follow me!” the angel said.

So Peter followed the angel out of the prison cell, past the guards, and up to the huge Iron Gate leading to the city. Then the Iron Gate opened by itself. Peter thought he was seeing a vision, but after they had walked down the road the angel disappeared and Peter knew he was free.

Why is it so important to pray with others?

When the believers got together to pray, God did a mighty miracle. Did everyone expect a miracle? (Acts 12:12-15). Sometimes, when we pray on our own, our faith seems small. Yet, if God can use faith the size of a little seed, imagine what He can do when a whole lot of believers get together to pray.

We are the body of Christ. He wants us to be joined together in all we do—in worship, in serving Him and in prayer. And so, when we pray in a group, Jesus is right there with us, listening to every word that is prayed (Matthew 18:20).

When we pray in a group, the Holy Spirit helps us to pray for the same thing in different ways. And by praying together we also encourage each other to have more faith!

Study questions

1 – In your own words, explain in detail today’s memory verse.

2 – In your opinion, explain in detail why prayer is extremely important in the life of a Christian.

Author: Dave Strehler  

Text edited by Naomie       

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