(Children) Paul’s next missionary trip


Sunday December 27th, 2020

Memorize: Galatians 6:10

« When we have the opportunity to help anyone, we should do it. But we should give special attention to those who are in the family of Christ (other Christians). »

Read: Acts 16:6-15

Paul and Silas set out on the second missionary trip to visit the churches that had started up.

But as they traveled through the province of Asia, the Holy Spirit kept them from preaching there. At one stage they tried to go into the area called Bithynia, but the Spirit of Jesus stopped them again. So they carried on traveling across the province of Mysia, to the coastal city of Troas.

During the night, Paul had a vision of a man from Macedonia begging him to come and help them. After Paul had seen the vision, he got ready at once to leave for Macedonia and boarded a ship going to Philippi.

Should I wait for God to guide me before I do good?

Is it okay to tell others about Jesus and do good at any time, or should I wait for Him to tell me what to do?

God has made us in His image and given us the ability to reason—to think things through. The Holy Spirit will use the feeling that inspires us together with what we have learned and believe. The more we are willing to be used, the more opportunities God will make for us to serve Him.

As with Paul, God will sometimes speak to us by putting His thoughts in our minds. We have the mind of Christ (1 Corinthians 2:16). When we are in tune with His Spirit and follow Bible principles, most of what we do should be exactly what God wants.

A ship that isn’t moving cannot be steered. Paul didn’t sit around waiting for God to point him in the right direction. It was as Paul went out to preach that the Spirit showed him where to go.

It is better to go out and do things that please God than do nothing while you wait for God to give you ‘special instructions’.

Study question

1 – In your own words, explain in detail today’s memory verse.

2 – This Christmas season, what are you doing to help others?

3 – When you become an adult, how would like God to use you to help His kingdom?

Author: Dave Strehler  

Text edited by Naomie       

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