(Children) Paul is arrested


Thursday December 31st, 2020

Memorize: Romans 10:17

« So faith comes from hearing the Good News. And people hear the Good News when someone tells them about Christ. »

Read: Acts 21:27-36, 25:9-12

From Corinth, Paul sailed across the sea, visiting some of the churches he had started. His long journey ended at the seaside city of Caesarea from where he traveled on land back to Jerusalem.

As usual, Paul went to the Temple, and it wasn’t long before some of the Jews from the province of Asia noticed Paul and dragged him out of the Temple. They even tried to kill him, but the Roman soldiers stopped the riot and took Paul to the fort.

About forty Jews met secretly and planned to kill Paul, so the commander of the Roman soldiers sent Paul, guarded by a troop of soldiers, to Felix the governor in Caesarea. There, Paul was put in prison until Felix died two years later and Festus became the new commander. Festus wanted to send Paul back to Jerusalem to be tried by the Jews, but Paul, being a Roman citizen, asked to be tried by the Emperor of Rome instead.

How can I be sure of my faith when others say I am wrong?

How could Paul have been so sure of what he believed when people kept telling him that he was wrong?

Jesus was so real to Paul that it didn’t matter to him what others believed. When you are around others who don’t believe in Jesus and you wonder if their ideas could be true, remember these few points: 

– Talking to Jesus is as real as talking to one of your “unseen” friends on the phone.

– Ask the Holy Spirit to let you feel the closeness of Jesus.

– Read the Bible, which is the Book of Truth (John 17:17). The more we read the Bible, the stronger our faith becomes.

– Spend time with other Christians. By being around those who love the Lord you will realize that there are many others who believe what you believe.

Study questions

1 – In your own words, explain in detail today’s memory verse.

2 – Compose a prayer in which you are asking the Holy Spirit to help you feel the presence of Jesus in your life.

Author: Dave Strehler  

Text edited by Naomie       

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