(Children) Paul in Athens


Tuesday December 29th, 2020

Memorize: 1 Timothy 2:5

« There is only one God. And there is only one way that people can reach God. That way is through Jesus Christ. »

Read: Acts 17:16-18, 22-30

When the earthquake struck the prison where Paul and Silas were being held, the terrified jailer asked them what he should do to be saved.

“Believe in the Lord Jesus, and you will be saved, and your family too,”

they said. Then Paul and Silas told them about Jesus, and they all believed.

Paul and Silas were released from prison and left Philippi. They traveled to Thessalonica, and on to Berea, preaching in the synagogues. Some listened to them eagerly, while others were jealous and caused so much trouble for them that the believers feared for Paul’s life and sent him to Athens.

While Paul was waiting for Silas and Timothy to join him, he told the people of Athens about the only true God. Some, who liked discussing new ideas, invited Paul to tell them more.

“I see that you people are very religious,” Paul said. “As I walked through your city, I saw the places where you worship and found an altar with the words, ‘To an Unknown God’ written on it. Well, I know this God: He is the One who made the world and everything in it.”

Do all religions worship the same God?

You might have heard someone say, “It doesn’t really matter what you believe because all religions worship the same God.”

Well, that’s what the people in Athens thought. In fact, they weren’t quite sure who God is, so they made idols and altars for many different gods. And, just in case they missed one, they even had an altar dedicated to an ‘Unknown God’.

This gave Paul a chance to tell them about the God they didn’t know. “Your imaginary gods are dead,” he told them. “There is only one God, the Creator of heaven and earth. And there is one way to be saved—through His Son, Jesus Christ.”

Study questions

1 – In your own words, explain in detail today’s memory verse.

2 – How do you know for sure that Father God in Heaven is the only true God?

3 – What would you say to Jesus  for being a wonderful God ?

Author: Dave Strehler  

Text edited by Naomie       

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