(Children) Making things right


Monday March 08th, 2021

Memorize: Luke 19:8

« Zacchaeus said to the Lord Jesus, “I want to do good. I will give half of my money to the poor. If I have cheated anyone, I will pay them back four times more.” »

Read: Genesis 31:3, Genesis 31:17-18, Genesis 32:13-18, Genesis 33:1-11

Jacob had worked for Laban for many years and eventually owned his own sheep and goats. His uncle Laban became jealous of him because God had blessed him with so many animals. Then God told Jacob to go back home to the place he had left as a young man.

So Jacob took his two wives and his children, and everything he owned, and left Laban to go back to his father in the land of Canaan.

The problem was that Jacob had to face his brother Esau whom he had tricked, and he remembered that Esau had wanted to kill him.

When he got to the country of Edom, he sent servants ahead with many gifts for Esau. Meanwhile, Esau was coming toward him with four hundred of his men, and Jacob was afraid. But he knew he would have to face Esau; and when he finally did, he bowed down in front of him to show how sorry he was for what he had done. Then Jacob gave Esau large herds of camels and other animals, and the two brothers made peace with each other.

Is it enough to say sorry?

Maybe you have been trying to avoid someone because of something that has come between you and the other person. It is time to go make things right.

Saying “I am sorry” are three short words, but they are sometimes the hardest words to say.

However, even these three words won’t always make things right again—especially if they are said in an uncaring way.

To show that you are truly sorry, think about the words you use and how you say them. For example, you could say; “I am really sorry for what I said to you,” or “I am sorry that I hurt you—please forgive me.”

Like Jacob, you may be able to think of a way to show kindness to the person you wronged, not as a bribe or to pay for what you did, but as a gift of love—a sign to show that you really mean what you say.

Study question:

1 – In your own words, explain in detail the meaning of ‘we must forgive and forget the wrongs done to us’’.

2 – Having been in Esau’s position, how would you have reacted?

Author: Dave Strehler

Texte edited by Naomie

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