(Children) Looking in a mirror


Wednesday January 27th, 2021

Memorize: Psalm 119:11

« Father God, I study and memorize your teachings very carefully, so that I will not sin against you. »

Read: James 1:19-25

James, the brother of Jesus and a leader in the church at Jerusalem, wrote this letter to Christians in far-off places:

“My dear brothers and sisters,

Remember this: It is best to listen much, speak little and not become angry.

For anger does not bring out the goodness in us that God is looking for.

So, get rid of sin and bad habits in your life and be glad that God’s Word has been planted in your hearts.

Don’t only listen to the Word, but do what it says.

Someone who hears the Word and doesn’t do what it says is like a person who looks at their face in a mirror, then goes away and forgets what they looks like. But the one who keeps looking into God’s Word, remembers it, and does what it says, will be blessed by God in everything they do.”

How often should I read the Bible?

Would it be okay if I only read the Bible once a week—maybe a few verses on a Sunday?

If you didn’t use a mirror, how would you know whether your hair is a mess or whether your face is dirty?

The Bible is even better than a mirror because it can show up the spots of sin in your life. When you look into the Bible by reading it, you will start seeing yourself as God sees you on the inside.

You wouldn’t look at someone else to find out if your face is dirty.

In the same way you shouldn’t compare yourself with others to find out if your life is clean and pleasing to the Lord.

Keep looking into God’s ‘Mirror’ by reading the Bible every single day. Once you have read it, do what it says and you will be blessed!

Study question

1 – In your own words, explain in detail today’s memory verse.

2- Why is it extremely important for Christians to read their Bible every day?

Author: Dave Strehler  

Text edited by Naomie       

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