(Children) Israel wants a king


Monday May 25th, 2020

Memorize: Hebrews 8:10

<< I will be their God, and they will be my people. >>

Read: 1 Samuel 8:1-9, verses 19-21

When Samuel grew old, his sons became judges in Israel. But they were not good judges like Samuel was. They were dishonest. So the leaders of Israel met with Samuel and said, “You are getting old and your sons are not following your example. Choose a king to rule over us so that we can be like all the other countries.”

So Samuel prayed and asked the Lord what he should do.

The Lord said to Samuel, “They have not only rejected you; they have rejected me as their King and have turned away from me to worship other gods. Let them have their way, but give them a strict warning about how an ordinary king will treat them.”

What’s wrong with having a king?

What could be wrong with a nation asking for a king to rule over them?  Does God not like kings; does He not want someone to rule a country?

God is not against a nation having a ruler or king. The Bible even says that God sets up kings (Daniel 2:21), and Hebrews 13:17 tells us that we should obey our rulers.

God was angry with Israel because they wanted a human king, while He was already their King. He had rescued them from slavery in Egypt, provided for them in the desert, and helped them conquer the heathen tribes in the Promised Land. He was better that any earthly king could ever be! He not only protected and provided for His people, He also loved them and cared for them. Now the Israelites were turning their backs on God and wanting a human king so they could be like the other nations.

Who is king of your heart? Allow Jesus, the King of kings to rule in your heart, and you will be blessed!

Study questions

1A) In today’s memory verse, who are we referring too.

1B) In your own words, explain today’s memory verse.

2) How do you think God felt after the Children of Israel rejected Him.

3) Compose a prayer in which you are asking Jesus to be the king of your life.

Author: Dave Strehler  

Text edited by Naomie

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