(Children) In the beginning


Friday February 05th, 2021

Memorize: Genesis 1:1

« In the beginning at first, God created the sky and the earth. »

Read: Genesis 1:27, Genesis 2:7-9, Genesis 2: 19-20

It was the sixth day of creation. Adam, the first man on earth, found himself surrounded by a beautiful garden called Eden.

Up above the sun shone with a warm glow. Around him were all kinds of trees and flowers and shrubs. There were many kinds of animals too, and all of them were tame.

There were birds, furry animals, climbing animals and creeping insects. God brought all the creatures He had created to Adam, and whatever name Adam decided on, that was its name.

Meanwhile, the Lord noticed that Adam had no one like himself to talk to. Although Adam was made in the image of God and could talk to God, Adam was human and there was no other creature on earth that was able to be his close friend and helper.

What makes me so special?

Isn’t it wonderful to realize that of all the thousands of creatures God created, only Adam was made in His image?

God placed a spirit inside Adam so that he could talk to God, be creative (like thinking up all sorts of names), love, and feel the need to be loved.

When God made you He also placed a spirit inside you—a part of you that will live for ever and ever.

“God makes everything happen at the right time. Yet none of us can ever fully understand all He has done, and He puts questions in our minds about the past and the future.” (Ecclesiastes 3:11).

You are part of God’s beautiful creation. God took as much care to form you as He did when He created Adam (Psalm 139:13).

God has made you with a special purpose: to know Him and to bring Him pleasure.

Whenever you pray, your spirit reaches out to the Lord, which makes Him very happy.

Other creatures cannot do that because they don’t have a spirit. That’s what makes you so special!

Study questions

1 – What is the main difference between humans and animals?

2 – What is the main purpose why God created you?

3- Which part of you connects with God?

Author: Dave Strehler  

Text edited by Naomie       

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