(Children) I can do all things


Monday January 18th, 2021

Memorize: Mark 9:23

« Jesus replied; “All things are possible for the one who believes.” »

Read: Philippians 4:13-20

Paul ends his letter to the Philippians by telling them what a blessing the gift they sent him had been.

He writes to them saying, “I can do anything through the power that Jesus Christ gives me!

It was so good of you to help me in my troubles. In the early days of my preaching, you were the only ones to help me. When I was in Thessalonica, you helped me more than once. What pleased me more than receiving your gifts was to know that God would bless you for giving it.

My God will give you all you need from His storehouse of riches and blessings. To God our Father be all the glory for ever and ever! Amen.”

Can I do the impossible?

Did Paul say that he could do many things through Christ’s strength? (see verse 13). Did Paul say he could do most things? No, Paul said that he can do ALL things through the power of Jesus that works in his life.

Does that mean Paul was able to do anything and everything he wanted to? Could Paul have jumped over the moon? No! Paul knew that Jesus would give him the strength to do the things God wanted him to do.

Paul also had the strength to face his problems because he had learnt to be content (at peace) in whatever situation he found himself. That means, despite Paul’s hardships, he kept going because he knew that God was in control all the time.

God promises to give us everything we need in order to do the things that please Him—and that may well include the “impossible”!

Study questions

1 – What does it mean to believe?

2- In your own words, explain in detail today’s memory verse.

3- In your own words, explain in details the following sentence: “I can do anything through the power that Jesus Christ gives me!”

Author: Dave Strehler  

Text edited by Naomie       

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