(Children) How dare he say that!


Saturday June 06th, 2020

To memorize: Matthew 12:36

”But I tell you that every human being, on the Day of Judgment, will have to explain about every careless thing they have said. ”

To read: 1 Samuel 17:16-26

Day after day, Goliath mocked the army of the living God; yet not one of the Israelite soldiers was brave enough to fight the Philistine giant. During that time, Jesse asked his youngest son David to take some grain and loaves of bread to his brothers who were in Saul’s army.

Early the next morning, David left someone in charge of the sheep and set off for the valley of Elah. When he got there, the Israelite and Philistines were taking up positions for battle. David took the food he had brought to the officer in charge of the food supplies. Then he ran off to look for his brothers and found them—ready for battle. As he talked to them, Goliath the Philistine started challenging the Israelite as he had done before.

“Listen to his challenge,” the Israelite said to David as Goliath kept mocking God’s people, and God Himself (verse 45).

What should I do when someone mocks God?

Do you feel angry when someone mocks God or laughs at you for believing in Jesus? Do you wish that God would prove Himself in a powerful way right there in front of everyone?

What did Jesus do when He was mocked? (Matthew 27:30-31). He did not defend Himself or threaten those who laughed at Him. What did Jesus do when they insulted him? (Mark 15:29). He forgave them! (Luke 23:34). Jesus could have called down thousands of angels (Matthew 26:53), but instead He chose to show us how much He loves us.

God is patient and merciful—He even loves those who mock and insult Him. When you hear someone mock God, you can ask the person not to talk that way, and you can pray that he or she may find the way to God (maybe by seeing the kindness and love of God in your life).

Study questions:

  1. In your own words, explain today’s memory verse.
  2. In your own words, explain in details how the words we speak affect the outcome of life.
  3. In your every day life, how can you stand up for God?

Author: Dave Strehler  

Text edited by Naomie

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