(Children) David’s prayer


Wednesday June 24th, 2020

Memorize: Revelation 19:16

” On the part of the robe that covered his thigh was written, “KING OF KINGS AND LORD OF LORDS.”

Read: 2 Samuel 7:18-22, 2 Samuel 7: 25-29

After Nathan told David that the Lord wanted one of his sons to build the Temple, David was very happy. He went to the Tent of the Lord and prayed.

David said to the Lord; “I am not worthy of what You have done for me. Now You are doing even more by making this promise about my son. You have done these things to teach me. How great you are Sovereign Lord. There is none like You! And now Sovereign Lord, do what You have promised.”

Can a king have a king?

Is there anyone greater than a king? Would you dare to go tell a king that he is actually not the greatest? Probably he would not be very happy to find out that he is not the greatest after all.

David realized that there is someone much greater. Even though he was the king of a great nation, he knew that God had put him there and that God could replace him.

David learned that joy and peace come from knowing that there is someone higher and more powerful than him. The joy he had felt as a shepherd was still in his heart, and even now that he was king, he still relied on God. David said, “Listen to my cry for help, my King and my God, for to you I pray” Psalm 5:2.

When David was a shepherd he thought like a shepherd and prayed to God as being His Shepherd (Psalm 23).

Now that David was a king, he thought like a king and spoke to God as His Sovereign Lord (verse 27). By calling God Sovereign, he was saying that God is his King, and because David himself was a king, it makes God the King of kings.

Study questions

  1. Give the definition of the word Sovereign?
  2. Explain in detail how God is a Sovereign God?
  3. Why was it easy for David to relate to God as He’s King?

Author: Dave Strehler  

Text edited by Naomie

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