(Children) Christians in Antioch


Thursday December 17th, 2020

Memorize: Romans 10:10

« Yes, we believe in Jesus deep in our hearts, and so we are made right with God. And we openly say that we believe in him, and so we are saved. »

Read: Acts 7:54-60, Acts 11:25-26

Stephen, a faithful believer, was one of the men chosen to help give out food to poor widows in Jerusalem. In the same city there were jealous leaders who hated those who followed the Way of Jesus, but Stephen boldly told them about Jesus.

That made the leaders so mad that they dragged him out of the city and killed him.

When the other believers saw what the leaders had done to Stephen, they fled for their lives. Many went to live in far-off places like the city of Antioch where Barnabas was encouraging the Church and teaching them the truths of the Gospel.

It was in Antioch that believers were first called Christians.

How do I become a Christian?

If your parents were born in China and speak Chinese, you could think of yourself as being Chinese. If you were born in Spain, you would be Spanish. If you are born in a Christian country and your parents go to Church, would that make you a Christian?

The believers in Antioch were not born in a Christian country; they were not born in to a Christian family, yet they were Christians. The people in Antioch called them Christians because they believed in Christ and followed in His Way.

You become a Christian when you believe in Jesus—when you tell Him you are sorry for your sins and ask Him to forgive you. Jesus then makes your heart new and sends the Holy Spirit to live in you and help you do what is right. This is God’s firm promise; that you are, and will be, His child forever (Ephesians 1:13-14).

Study questions

1 – In your own words, explain in details today’s memory verse

2 – In your own words, explain how someone becomes Christian.

3 – Are you a Christian?

Author: Dave Strehler  

Text edited by Naomie       

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