(Children) A new thing


Tuesday August 11th, 2020

Memorize: Philippians 3:13

« Brothers and sisters, I know that I, Apostle Paul, have not yet reached that goal. But there is one thing I always do: I forget the things that are past. I try as hard as I can to reach the goal that is before me. »

Read: Isaiah 43:16-21

The Lord told His people through the prophet Isaiah that He would rescue them from the Babylonians.

He said to them, “I am the Lord, your King. I am the One who made a way for you through the sea and who led the Egyptian army to destruction. But don’t hold onto the past and keep thinking about what happened. Look! I want to do something new, and it has already started to happen: I will make a road through the wilderness and give you streams of water in the desert.”

What if I mess up God’s plan for my life?

The Lord had rescued His people from the Egyptians and made a way for them through the sea and the desert. Maybe they were starting to wonder whether God would ever do miracles like that again. Were those days over?

Bringing them out of Egypt was only the first part of God’s plan. That is why He said; “Do not hold onto the things that happened long ago—watch for the new thing I am going to do!”

Do you think about your failures and wonder whether God still has a plan for your life?

Although God may not take you out of your difficulties straight away, He can do a miracle in your life right where you are. Like the streams in the desert that Isaiah wrote about (verse 20), the Living Water of God’s Spirit can flow into your life, and from your life (John 7:38-39).

God will also make a highway for Jesus to come right into your situation (Read Isaiah 40:3 and Mark 1:1-3). This highway goes through the wilderness, which means that there is a way out! So, even when you do mess up, God has a new plan. He wants to do a new thing in your life. Isn’t that exciting!

Study questions:

  1. In today’s memory verse, which goal is Apostle Paul referring too?
  2. Does that goal apply to you? Explain your answer in details.
  3. In your own words, explain in details what God means by: “Do not hold onto the things that happened long ago—watch for the new thing I am going to do!”

Author: Dave Strehler  

Text edited by Naomie       

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