(Children) A musical shepherd


Thursday June 04th, 2020

To memorize: Ephesians 5:19

” Speak to each other with psalms, hymns and spiritual songs. Sing and make music in your heart to the Lord. ”

To read: 1 Samuel 16:14-23

While David was out in the fields watching his father’s sheep, he had lots of time to pray and write beautiful songs of praise to the Lord.

Meanwhile King Saul, who was living in a fancy palace, was not happy. He was moody and miserable most of the time. After Saul disobeyed God, the Spirit of the Lord left him. To make matters worse for Saul, the prophet Samuel had told him that God would take away his kingdom and give it to someone else, someone who loved God.

One of Saul’s servants told him that he would feel better if they found someone to play gentle music for him. Another servant happened to know about David and told Saul about his talent for playing the harp. So Saul ordered them to fetch David.

David started playing beautiful music for Saul and Saul liked him. Whenever Saul became grumpy, David’s music would calm Saul’s spirit and he would feel much better.

What kind of music should I listen to?

The Lord has given people the gift of creating beautiful music. How happy the Lord must be when we make music to honor Him—either by singing or by playing a musical instrument – (Psalm 150:3-6).

The Lord does not mind what your favorite song is or what kind of music you like. The more good music you listen to, the more you will enjoy the different kinds of music from other generations and countries of the world. However, as far as possible, avoid listening to songs that dishonor the Lord by their words (some of which may be difficult to hear and recognize).

Study questions

  1. In your own words, explain in details today’s memory verse.
  2. List five of your favorite ‘church’ song.
  3. Explain in details the difference between songs that honors the Lord and songs that dishonor the Lord. Give an example.
  4. Why are Christians not allowed to listen to songs that dishonor the Lord.

Author: Dave Strehler  

Text edited by Naomie

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