Burden bearer


Saturday July 15th, 2023

 Meditate on: Isaiah 53:4GNT

« But our Lord Jesus endured the suffering that should have been ours, the pain that we should have borne. All the while we thought that His suffering was punishment sent by God »

Read: Isaiah 53:4-5CEV

4 He suffered and endured great pain for us, but we thought his suffering was punishment from God.

5 He was wounded and crushed because of our sins; by taking our punishment, he made us completely well.


A burden is a heavy load that attaches itself to a person, whether the person likes it or not.

Such a load accompanies its bearer wherever he or she goes, and cannot be freely given up.

In essence, a burden is not willingly picked up, because any load picked up willingly can also be relinquished by choice.

Naaman was a man who knew what it feels like to have a burden in one’s life (2 Kings 5).

Although he was famous, successful and prosperous, he was a leper and there was nothing he could do about it.

All his possessions and achievement could not relieve him of the burden of leprosy he was carrying all around.

Do you have a burden in your life like Naaman?

Perhaps it is a problem that not even your own making and you have no solution for it.

I have good news for you today: there is a person called the Burden Bearer and He is available to take all your burdens away from you.

I therefore rejoice with you today because there is no burden too heavy for Him to bear. 

To access the help of the Burden Bearer, you first need to admit that you have a burden.

In Revelation 3:17, the Lord mentioned how some people thought everything was okay with them, but in reality, they were blind and naked.

You have to acknowledge your problem before you can be helped.

Also, you must be willing to be helped.

Jesus Christ asked the man who had been sick for 38 years if he was willing to be made whole (John 5:6).

Furthermore, if you want your burden to be lifted, you have to cry to the Burden Bearer for help.

Mark 10:46-52 tells of how Bartimaeus cried for Jesus’ help.

He kept on crying till Jesus answered.

Some people are too proud to ask for help; they just want to do everything themselves.

If God helps such people, they might ascribe the glory of what He did to their own efforts.

You must be willing to pay the price of persisting in the place of prayer till your burden is lifted. 

Lastly, Mark 10:52 tell us that after Jesus took away the burden of Bartimaeus, he followed Jesus in the way.

From his example, we understand that after the Burden Bearer has taken away our burdens, we must abide with Him.

Many of us come to Jesus when we have a problem, but as soon as the problem is solved, we stop being committed to Him.

It is laughable when mere mortals think they can outsmart God.

When Jesus takes your burden away, please remain in Him and it will always be well with you.

Application: Cry to the Burden Bearer today about any burden in your life.

Author: Bishop Enoch. A. Adeboye.

Edited by Naomie

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