Friday January 12th, 2024

How wonderful and pleasant it is  when brothers and sisters to live together in harmony!

For harmony is as precious as the anointing oil that was poured over Aaron’s head, that ran down his beard and onto the border of his robe.

Harmony is as refreshing as the dew from Mount Hermon that falls on the mountains of Zion. And there the Lord has pronounced His blessing, even life everlasting.

Understand .

In our devotional today, we will consider the blessings of unity, which have been identified in the Scriptures to include joy, peace, and progress.

When you go through the Bible reading of today, you will observe the Psalmist lamenting, almost in despair.

Perhaps this was so because he had seen how elusive unity was among the brethren, even in his time.

Today, despite the fact that we say “united we stand; divided we fall” in words, sing it in songs and rehearse it in poems, there are still divisions among us.

Sadly, this is also the case among believers who should be the leading lights for this dark world.

This is the reason joy, peace and progress have eluded so many believers today.

This is why, as a Church, we have not been able to accomplish the Great Commission as effectively as we desire.

How can two missionaries commissioned by the same organization to the same field of operation not be united?

Sadly, this is the state of the Body of Christ in many places today.

Believers now fall prey to the enemy, becoming casualties of this disunity.

If the Body of Christ can work together in unity, today’s Bible reading says our blessing are guaranteed.

The subject of unity is so important that our Lord Jesus Christ, that He spent time praying about it in John’s gospel. John 17:21HCSB,26NLT

The absence of love is a major cause of disunity.

Jesus however, has prayed about this too. We see that in today’s memory verse.

Beloved, let us begin to work towards the fulfilment of our Lord’s prayer, so that the Church can make headway in our missionary and evangelistic endeavors.

Let us love- not in words alone, but also in deed.

This way, we will maintain unity.

May the Lord help us all as believers to live together in harmony and work in unity, in the mighty name of Jesus.

Prayer focus – Father, please let love- Your love, fill the hearts of all Your children and unite us all, in the mighty name of Jesus.

Author – Bishop Enoch. A. Adeboye.

Edited by Naomie

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