Big things start small


Thursday December 28th, 2023

« And though your beginning was small, your latter days will be very great »

30 Jesus said, “How can I describe the Kingdom of God? What story should I use to illustrate it? 

31 It is like a mustard seed planted in the ground. It is the smallest of all seeds, 

32 but it becomes the largest of all garden plants; it grows long branches, and birds can make nests in its shade.”

Today we live in a world that glorifies things of great proportions, with a special attraction for gigantic projects.

Anything that is not massive, huge, tremendous or colossal does not seem to catch the attention of the current generation.

In the common parlance of the 21st century, things that turn people’s heads usually stat with the word “mega”, like mega-corporations, megastores, megacities, mega-churches, and so on.

Because society is so obsessed with all things mega, small things have become unattractive and inconsequential to a lot of people.

People nowadays despise the days of little beginnings and deride small things.

However, as people of God’s kingdom, our culture is different. Zechariah 4:10a states our creed as follows:

Every great work of God usually starts small, beginning sometimes only as a vision in the mind of a faithful servant of God.

In this sense, the mustard seed in today’s Bible reading is a perfect example of a small beginning.

Although a mustard seed is very small, measuring only about 1 or 2 millimeters, when it is sown, it grows into a tree of about 3 meters high. This is a 3000% increase in size!

In God’s dealings with man, there have been so many stories of little beginnings becoming great.

Usually, in the days of small things, critics are numerous, unleashing vicious condemnation without reservation.

The heaven –appointed builder is typically tagged a dreamer and made to face ridicule and mockery.

Many times, the voice of critics will ring through repeatedly, saying that the dream being pursued is not achievable.

Be careful not to pay attention to their words because there is no truth in them.

Their objective is to cause discouragement and make you lose focus.

In spite of such pessimistic verbal attacks and threats, Zerubbabel zealously pressed on with the work of rebuilding God’s temple in Jerusalem (Ezra 3-5, Haggai 1-2, Zechariah 4).

Be assured that the glorious completion of your assignment will put to shame all those who scorned its small beginning.

Just be faithful in the little that God has committed into your hands.

Do not despise the days of small beginnings.

If you are holy, diligent, prayerful and focused, the Lord will crown all your efforts with resounding success and make your latter end to increase beyond measure, according to His word.

Application – Father, please let every small project in my life become great, and give me the grace to make a success of everything committed into my hands in Jesus Name.

Author – Bishop Enoch. A. Adeboye.

Edited by Naomie

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